6 branches subsidize the rest of the branches.

by hoser 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    Australia supports the Pacific Island Branches.

  • jwfacts

    Steve, they shot themselves in the foot with all the talk about how evil the churches were asking for money. They didn't have to, only because they had endless amounts of literature to sell. Now that is no longer the case they must wish they had been like everyone else and and had tithing or collection plates. The incredible amount of effort expended over the last century, with billions of hours of preaching/book selling amounted to nothing when comparing the numbers of Mormons, JWs and SDAs.

  • konceptual99

    Yet the new book released at the convention makes a point of sayiing the will never send letters soliciting funds, tithe or pass collection plates. Mmmm...

  • HeyThere

    This is weird news...they pull in donations by the millions each month, have volunteers do the work and get equipment and supplies donated. This sounds like just another scheme to cash in. Sure, it is possible and likely that those in poorer areas are not able to contribute full cost...however, isn't that what the whole "world wide works" thing is about? The org is cash and property rich. The global "brotherhood" of the "friends" is one perfect organization, right? They have the money for it in excess, but now want to focus on these specific areas to gain more donations from the herd. Just my thoughts.

  • LV101

    It's just more of their pitiful, poor-mouthing, blather and scare tactics for the followers to dig deeper into their pockets. What/where/whom would the brainwashed go without their hopes.

    It's amazing the growth among the Mormans and SDA's in this country - well, this city is a homebase (besides Salt Lake) for Mormans. Hiring a couple of people recently and so many inform about their 'worship' day(s) - mostly SDA's/Mormans since it's their badge of honor when they're asked for references, sheriff's cards, etc. They even provide employment assistance thru their churches to keep 'em working and tithing.

  • designs

    When people have pride in their religion they usually support it.

  • OneEyedJoe

    The last time the CO was around, about 10 minutes of one of his talks was essentially about how congregations "in western countries" sometimes don't contribute enough even to pay for the cost of their literature, while congregations in poor african countries are giving their last cent to pay as much to the org as they can. "How sad a situation it would be if those poor brothers in africa where subsidizing our magazine costs" he says. He never stated that it was a problem locally (I did an accounts audit not long ago, and I'm quite certain it's not). It was all sort of implied in a way that it seemed to be designed to give the impression that we weren't giving enough while not actually giving any information about how much we should be giving, or how much was currently being given. Clearly the goal was to get everyone to give more, regardless of whether they were already pulling their weight or not.

    I've also noticed that when I was in poorer congregations, they would frequently name a dollar amount as a per-publisher monthly figure to give us an idea how much to donate, but in the congregations in better neighborhoods, they've never done this. Instead, they just make this type of generic plea for more money and throw out hypotheticals about what that money may be used for. My guess is that in the poorer congregations, most aren't pulling their weight, so the average figure is above what most are giving. In the better off congregations, they can't name a figure, because most are already giving more than that so they might actually reduce how much they get if they say how much is needed.

    Another option, is that they per-publisher figure is more effective in congregations that have more large families (these also tend to be the poorer congregations) because there's probably a tendency for those folks to translate per-publisher to per-person and therefore donate for their young kids too.

    When you start to see how things get treated differently from place to place, you can really see how money-grubbing the cult is.

  • sir82

    Makes sense.

    I would guess: US, Canada, Germany....then I'm not sure. Australia? UK?

  • Londo111

    From what I understand (which could be wrong), the Organization is not hurting for money in the least. They are rolling in it.

  • redvip2000

    He said in some countries all the donations that they get from contributions don't even pay the electricity bill for the branch buildings so money has to come in from these 6 richer countries.

    And yet Jehoober doesn't somehow stuff the donation boxes with money in order to continue the expansion of the organization? How strange that God would not lift a finger to help His organization.

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