Before I answer, what happens after I die?
I Offer You This Choice
by simon17 27 Replies latest jw friends
Dismissing servant
Why should I know everything abiut the universe if I can't share it with someone??? Life is more important than curiosity!
that year in the number 2 life would be like Jesus then, he did not know when things would happen, he was supposed to be the c0-creator, but did not share any of that knowledge, was he forbidden too?
I would still pick 2 but ask for deferment another 10 years.
with the offer of unlimited knowledge of REALITY, and the benefit of todays technology, a bible could be written based on facts.
It would not be published by a sandwich-boarded cook in Times Square or Hide Park.
I don't think you are getting my point. It wouldn't matter how many new bibles or exposes you wrote, nobody would care about what you have to say! You just wouldn't have the clout necessary to make an impact in people's beliefs.
Just look at the amount of information available to discret the Wathtower society. Yet, they are still going strong. The ability to capture the attention of society in general is not the same as it was 2000 years ago, or even 50 years ago.
Guys, you're forgetting two big points:
1. You could convince anyone of anything because you know the FUTURE, not just the past. It wouldn't take long to become known as a successful prophet and then everyone would hang on your every word.
2. You can't do that anyway. simon17 said "You cannot share ANY information with anyone else in any way."
Island Man
I would take 1.
The second option will bring great frustration. How frustrating it will be to gain all that knowledge and have to bottle it up inside, being unable to share it with anyone else. And having just 1 year to live would mean you don't have enough time to really benefit from that knowledge. What use would all that knowledge be if you can't share it with anyone else. If you want to die feeling frustrated by having tons of valuable information that you can't share, then choose 2.
#2. It would be an awesome year. If done correctly, that year would feel like more than a lifetime.
Number 1.
There is too much in Number 2 that I don't care about, then there is a question of what to DO with this information. Of the stuff that does interest me about the latter choice I have to say that I appreciate learning things according to my own person position on the evolutionary scale... So I that to add the cliche that it's about the journey, and not the destination...
Spending every second of life on this journey appreciating it in that manner is what makes life fun... or at least my kind of fun.
Isn't that basically, Wikipedia ?
No, it is not. We know so little about the universe and next to nothing about the future. You would learn things like: Humans will live another 50,000 years and colonize the solar system before some catastrophe nearby wipes that civilization out. Or that there have been 34 civilizations that have reached current human level of intelligence in the history of the Milky Way, 10 of which currently exist (and where, and what they are like, and how they developed). Etc etc etc.
Guys, you're forgetting two big points:
1. You could convince anyone of anything because you know the FUTURE, not just the past. It wouldn't take long to become known as a successful prophet and then everyone would hang on your every word.
2. You can't do that anyway. simon17 said "You cannot share ANY information with anyone else in any way."