All the craziness of the blood doctrine.

by Crazyguy 18 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Crazyguy

    Well it looks like the WT was slowly moving away from the blood ban going back to the 1990's but not sure of some things I have read concerning thier comments about blood moving through the Placenta?

    That some protein fractions from the plasma do move naturally into the blood system of another individual (the fetus) may be another consideration when a Christian is deciding whether he will accept immune globulin, albumin, or similar injections of plasma fractions. One person may feel that he in good conscience can; another may conclude that he cannot. Each must resolve the matter personally before God. – The Watchtower 06/01/1990 p. 30

    Then says this

    The Watchtower is clearly aware that the basis for their major/minor blood component policy is completely without merit. All major blood components also pass through the placental barrier as we have demonstrated.

    Yet my research seems to indicate that no blood of the mother passes through the placenta barrier to the fetus, so who is correct or are they both wrong??

  • Vanderhoven7


  • smiddy

    Why dont you put the question to both parties concerned and see what answers you get back , and then if they conflict , put both veiws on this post .


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Does Vanderhoven ever post anything on this forum except to say 'marked'?

  • Splash

    Not wanting to derail the OP's question, but I'll just throw in that when the baby is born it literally eats 'banned' blood products (white cells) when it first suckles on its' mother.

    At the same time, if that same baby needed white cells from any other method, it would not be allowed them.



  • opusdei1972

    The best way to solve the issue on blood is by knowing the fact that the Noah's account is a legend copied from other legends and adapted to the Jewish Law. So God never said to the man : "do not eat blood", because the Flood (as told by the Bible) never happened. Futhermore, we are not descendants of Noah. ....On the other hand, when Jehovah's Witnesses eat a steak they eat blood.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    I think Watchtower focuses on normal, natural and healthy wholesale transferences whereas AJWRB is pointing out that cellular blood components are known to also transfer via placenta (though not on a wholesale basis).

    The problem with Watchtower's premise is that it fails to apply it consistently for what it represents in relation to placental transference. For example the very 1990 Watchtower you quote from above states of "plasma" that it does not cross the placental barrier "as such" hence "plasma" is not left for each JW to accept based on personal conscience. Yet Watchtower policy allows JWs to accept transfusion of plasma products rendered from blood such as cryoprecipitate and cryo-poor plasma despite neither of these crossing the placental barrier "as such". Hence the premise Watchtower offers is no sound basis to assert its doctrinal position.

    Another problem with Watchtower's premise is that it fails to apply it consistently in relation to other healthy organ transfers between mother and child. See:

  • Crazyguy

    Any Ideas as to why all the inconsistencies, and since they seem to be allowing more and more fractions in the 90's then what was the big deal with what was written in 2001 when its seamed like for the first time they were allowing fractions???

  • Marvin Shilmer
  • Crazyguy

    Thanks for the info Marvin, its amazing how much the Borg speaks out both sides of its mouth. Its like someone comes in and writes a WT and then a few months later someone else comes in and writes another wt completely contradicting what the other person just said. Whats even more amazing is it used to take a few years or at least several months before the contradiction came out. But now one can see the contradictions in their writing with in some times that exact same article.

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