Welcome Matt! We are glad you are here. Clink!
by Onager 30 Replies latest jw experiences
I'm always open to new evidence though!
I like that. I'm open, too.
Separation of Powers
Hey Matt, Glad you are enjoying life. I agree with your agnostic/atheistic position. This continues to be my position as well, and is constantly reinforced by allt he JW drivel. Case in point, "Jehovah has experienced injustice in ways we can't even understand. Imagine the injustice of seeing your own son falsely accused as a criminal and then tortured and killed." Uh, yeah, didn't he want that? Wasn't that his plan all along, oh excuse me, purpose all along.
Bravo Matt, my Newfoundland dog chewed up quite a lot of the society's literature; he'll gladly give your labradoodle a few pointers. Puhleeeze post a picture of your pup.
Ok! Back from a long weekend away actually learning something interesting (Botany course)! Do these links work? They're pictures of my pup:
Embedding the pics doesn't seem to work, so I hope the links do.
Yes they work. Your pup looks a bit serious in that first photo!
bemused, I'd just told her that. contrary to popular belief, not all dogs go to heaven... :)
A hearty Texas howdy to you and welcome to the forum.
(Where is one of these pictures with a cowboy hat?)
Welcome Matt & the Mrs, hope you enjoy
your time on jwn.....best wishes from Canada!
Hi and welcome Matt!