JW Pedophile Henricus Landmeter shows no remorse; sentence not suspended
by blondie 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
The shame brought on Jehovah's name and his organization is such a bad witness.
Oh, and the girl? Yes, I forgot about her.
Maybe the Elders from the original committee can appear as character witnesses for old Henricus. But your Honor, this is a travesty of justice. We found him not guilty already in a much higher court that supercedes 'worldly' systems of justice. After all we Elders are directly appointed by Jehovahs Holy Spirit and we found him not guilty. After all , she never screamed. So technically she is the guilty one. We demand that you throw this case out of court and stop bringing reproach on Jehovahs name! IT'S ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU SICK.
LOL.. what a name!
these stories with religious backgrounds keep piling up
1400 girls as young as 9 gang raped in Rothham UK by unindentified "Asian" and religious group?
1400 in one town. BBC news today.
1,400 kids sexually abused in UK town, council turned blind eye
“You ... took advantage of a little girl who parents were, and still are, blinded by their faith and you found religion to be a very effective means to get away with your vile behaviour,” she said.
Good on the woman for speaking up.
The 14 00 figure highlights the contrast beween groups that- at least in principle- care, eventually expunge offenders and those that let multiple deep tragedies happen, approve even.
LoisLane looking for Superman
I am so heartened to hear this woman found her voice and the courage to speak out.
LoisLane looking for Superman
In a newspaper article from 2 years ago, 12 June 2012, this thing, (he doesn't even deserve a capital t, in my name for him) when asked if he had molested this girl his plea was, "I am absolutely not guilty".
That statement would put him in a cozy position at ANY JW.org congregation in the world.
Disgusting old thing.
Disgusting religion for putting up with this filth.