Run like hell Bill!!!
by silentlambs 30 Replies latest jw friends
I hope someone there tapes this event and puts in on the net so we will be able to watch it.
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
Message sent.
My compliments on another well-written press release. This "religion's" control needs to be exposed as well as their resistance to members getting 'outside' help for their problems.
Those who were once members understand that Witnesses would form a support group for victims with extreme difficulty. Any Witness bringing forth concerns about the present manner or the past regarding how things are or were done are usually subject to cautionary counsel at best and slander or disfellowshipping at worst.
I am amazed at their continued behavior which seems to shoot themselves in the foot by their own arrogance. I think many concerns are often raised by their most faithful and caring brothers and sisters who by the Society's own arrogance and failure to take these concerns seriously are driven to cross over to the "other side". Even if some of these concerns were not even legitimate, such a reaction by the Society is uncalled for. It is an unhealthy practice to stifle the flow of criticism that ultimately creates positive change.
concerned mama
I haven't seen or heard a peep about this in the press here. With the issue of the residential schools getting a fair amount of publicity, and the abuses there, I thought this would be a logical follow up. You know, abuses in the modern day, and how they are handled.
With the situation of Shunned Father in Calgary, there would be "local interest" here, I would think.concerned mama
edited because I can't spell.
Just forwarded the press release to the local tv stations and newspaper.
Obviously, the SilentLambs movement is fulfilling the biblical command:
"Go forth and multiply."
Lol - the WTBTS proves themselves to be an Anti-Christ and it's victims are fulfilling biblical commands.
Ain't life grand?
I don't know why but I have yet to Email you - tomorrow I will get a hold of you.
Sorry for the delay - been helping Bill and Barb a bit.
ok hawk....send me some info too....I cant even get an auto reply formletter from the t.v. stations here.
“I am sad to see it come to this, but just as the Chinese youth stood for freedom in Tiananmen Square, we stand for children and will not allow this movement to be crushed by headquarters directed excommunication.”
Apples and oranges, Bill.
I support the cause, just wish its "leader" didn't sometimes sound so ... histrionic. I could do with fewer bad poems, fewer references to roaring lambs, and fewer anachronistic analogies.