Magnum: I hope this is true. The watchtower needs internal trouble. They deserve to suffer.
Bethel writing dept.
by Kojack57 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Even if true, it means nothing unless one or more comes out publicly about the situation.
There are thousands of GB ball-washers waiting in the wings at Beth-hell at this moment who would gladly take a position writing that drivel.
its 100% BS from those annointed-jw idiots
insidetheKH: its 100% BS from those annointed-jw idiots
Oh, thank you so much, insidetheKH. I'm so glad to have your expert opinion and to benefit from all your knowledge and inside connections. Now I know the answer: it's all BS. I know because insidetheKH says so. But... Oh... wait a minute. Aren't you one of those who swallows all the BS coming from the other anointed JW idiots - the Governing Body?
Well if this happens I hope they sue the Watchtower for every cent they can get, back pay for fraudulantly getting them into slave labor with no benefit package..
Beautiful Dreamer
It doesn't necessarily mean there's trouble. It could bee in preparation for a downsizing before the move to Warwick.
OR maybe there's a juicy story.
Or none of the above.
But 3 bros leaving or removed is gossip tempting in itself.
maybe someone knows someone at Bethel who knows someone who knows someone to ask?
Who knows?