Do you know your neighbors? Is it just me?

by neverendingjourney 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ShirleyW

    I thought that kind of behavior was only for NYC apartment buildings (of which I am resident of) as the comedians and TV shows would like you to believe.

    I guess it's no different than on the job with coworkers, some neighbors you like some you don't, some won't say a word some will, which is my experience working and at home.

  • sporece

    I lived in in four different states in the US, from midwest to south to the west coast and i found that neighbors are all the same with a few exception.

    They mind their own business. I do have to say though that does not mean they are unfriendly because thats not the case with co-workers and people that i have met at the gym.

    It also depends on you, how friendly are you and how good are you in making conversation.

    I'm from Italy and i have to say ... easier to get to know your neighbors there but i cannot say the same for the rest of Europe.

  • jamiebowers

    I suspect that your neighbors aren't overly friendly to you, because you are single. If your city has a big crime problem, you're probably viewed with suspicion. Take the opportunity this Halloween to sit in your front yard and give out candy to the kids. It will give you a chance to at least greet your neighbors. When new people move in, make the effort to welcome them to the neighborhood.

    I'm very lucky to live in a small town where crime is just about nil. With the exception of one family, everyone on our street is friendly. We all help each other out. I hope things get better for you, because having good neighbors makes for a happier home.

  • neverendingjourney

    Hi Jamie! I hope you're well. Haven't talked to you in a long time.

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    I live in a trailer park now and have met many nice neighbours. Others not... buts thats okay they are friendly mostly.

    I have a wife and son but she rarely walks around the park.

    I work 200m from work. So every morning I get up and walk past many of my neighbours at 5:30am with cowboy boots on making a 'thump sound'.

    No one has complained.

    I'ma ham radio op. I have many antennas... no complaints.

    However rereading your post the second time I have found what might be the problem. HOA<<< I don;t live in the US but I know Nazi Germany when I see it.

    You are a homeowner BUT THEY are in control of YOUR property. If you want to cut a dying limb off you tree THEY need to say yes. So as such they fell since they were here first you are beneath them.

    HOA.. bas situation.

    Jamiebower also mentioned another reason I suspect

  • LisaRose

    We lived in a cul-de-sac in Colorado, and because it was a brand new neighborhood we knew all out neighbors. We had an annual Xmas party, another neighbor had the fourth of July party. We moved to California and things are not the same here. We have made friends at the nearby pub, so that has kind of become our community, both the people that work to be ahere and other regulars. I also volunteer for the HOA, I have met a few people that way. I am in charge of a neighborhood get together next Month, I hope that will foster more of a sense of community.

  • TD
    ....but I fear people might see a single Hispanic guy who drives a sports car and assume he's a drug runner or some such thing.

    Hell, I'd offer you a beer and try to get a closer look at your car if you were my neighbor.

    I'm Anglo and my experience is the Hispanic families are very tough to get to know and there's a threshold of trust you have to get past first. But once you do, they love you to pieces. -Go figure...

  • prologos

    there was the August 18 Macleans magazine cover/article "Stop ignoring your neighbours-- endangering your health"

    neighborhoods vary from the warm Florida/ Quebec to the British Co. but irony here, as we leave our cul de sac for the Kingdom Hall, everyone waves, to be ignored by some of the big shots as we arrive, , suddenly staring at the bullettin board as we enter and go past. --endangering their (mental)health.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Do you think there is some racial animus? Just wondering. My family was Dutch and Russian. When we moved to our home no neighbor had a name. There were the Irish, the Pole, the Hungarians, etc. It would take one minute to learn someone's name. It was a typical working class neighborhood. After I graduated, I lucked out with housing in NYC. I knew most of my neighbors. They knew me. People made a concerted effort to know their neighbors. There was a long waiting list to get into the building.

    I bake when there is a new neighbor. It makes economic sense to make friends. They can watch things when you are away. There were business opportunities b/c of the networking. Also, I want to see who my neighbor is.

    The woman who always holds her head down is sad. My mom always looked down with the Witnesses and my father. In fact, the doctors could not believe the remarkable transformation in her after my father died. She ended up working with a ritzy pt practice. Some clients sent home food they prepared in cooking school. I ended up on the floor of a Democratic national convention thanks to her telling the president of ABC News how much I wanted to attend.

    I do know from school and work that different places have different cultures. My parents always viewed people as the enemy b/c of the Witness indoctrination. Do you remember stories about the frontier in America? People travelled days to help each other. It is very sad.

  • JWdaughter

    I am the only 'white' person I have seen in my neighborhood. My husband is brown and our neighbors are hispanic, black and vietnamese. My husband delivered some homemade muffins to the neighbors a few days ago for me, and introduced himself. Most were pretty nice, onetook one look at him and slammed the door and another asked how much he wanted for the muffins-even after his spiel about howdy, just getting to know our neighbors. . . . No one seems unfriendly, but we are on the inside of a culdesac and the house on the outside corner has a rottweiler/pitbull mix and I am afraid to even walk by there, especially when they are home-since they let the dog out w/o a leash. My husband makes friends with all the neighborhood dogs,but I have my limits!

    Our hispanic neighbors usually have parties or family gatherings on the weekends,but while they don't invite the neighbors, they aren't too loud, too late or in any way obnoxious (except for someone parking in our driveway once,but there was room for us to park so we just stayed silent on the matter)

    I guess it is kind of middling as to friendliness. If anyone is up for stereotyping, one of the Vietnamese family is the friendliest. Theother one is theone who slammed the door in hubby's face. So, stereotyping is probably not a great idea!

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