I am the only 'white' person I have seen in my neighborhood. My husband is brown and our neighbors are hispanic, black and vietnamese. My husband delivered some homemade muffins to the neighbors a few days ago for me, and introduced himself. Most were pretty nice, onetook one look at him and slammed the door and another asked how much he wanted for the muffins-even after his spiel about howdy, just getting to know our neighbors. . . . No one seems unfriendly, but we are on the inside of a culdesac and the house on the outside corner has a rottweiler/pitbull mix and I am afraid to even walk by there, especially when they are home-since they let the dog out w/o a leash. My husband makes friends with all the neighborhood dogs,but I have my limits!
Our hispanic neighbors usually have parties or family gatherings on the weekends,but while they don't invite the neighbors, they aren't too loud, too late or in any way obnoxious (except for someone parking in our driveway once,but there was room for us to park so we just stayed silent on the matter)
I guess it is kind of middling as to friendliness. If anyone is up for stereotyping, one of the Vietnamese family is the friendliest. Theother one is theone who slammed the door in hubby's face. So, stereotyping is probably not a great idea!