White marine beaten by group of black men using Fergusen case as excuse, media won't say 'black men' though.

by EndofMysteries 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • EndofMysteries

    This pisses me off, after all the news agencies that point out that things such as the ferguson shooting were a white man killing a black "kid" (18 years old and if an 18 yr old is accused of commiting a sex crime then suddenly they are a "grown man").

    Now look at this story from NY times, " A 32-year-old Marine was beaten by a group of men outside of a Mississippi restaurant after he was warned it wasn't safe for white people in the wake of the Michael Brown killing in Missouri,"

    So black on white crime, I guess they can't say "a group of black men", it just has to be a group of men?


  • EndofMysteries

    As you can see in the story, about 20 'black men' attacked the 2 'white men' and the police have said, like usual, " "This does not appear to be a hate crime," West Point Police Chief Tim Brinkley.

    Yes it is a hate crime. I guess reporting and charging like the truth they are worried they'll be another chimp out?

  • RagingBull

    Before I begin, I'll let it be known that I identify myself as a "black man" even though my mom is 1/2 white.

    Not everyone in the "black community" keep a level head when scars of racial tensions run so deep. I'm sure the HISTORY in America is known as less than stellar when it comes to African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans and the "White Man". It is indeed very unfortunate, scary, and disrespectful what happened to this soldier. However, there are still parts of the SOUTH that are not safe for black people...even without a national story being the reason for warning.

    I do believe that this is indeed a HATE Crime and it will be proven to be so in court. It did say that the men were African American/Black. The men involved were ignorant. Many people following the Brown case are mistaking the REAL ISSUE at hand. As a black man, in America, who has been "detained" for "fitting the discription" (1994), and ARRESTED for something that happened while I was at work on night-shift (1998) - that case was dropped once the facts came out...but I still had to pay for my lawyer, I can say that the REAL ISSUE is RACE RELATIONS (profiling etc.) among 1st- THE POLICE (white, black, hispanic etc.) AND BLACK PEOPLE and 2nd- THE POLICE and their use of EXCESSIVE FORCE. I'm sure you remember the White Cop that peppersprayed White Protesters during Occupy Wall Street.

    Sometimes BLACK COPS are harder on young Black men than White cops.

    It's sad these things go on still, but riots, revenge, and news cameras never help the situations.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Raging Bull... Well said.

  • RagingBull

    Thank you.

    I should probably add that I feel parents and mentors/leaders should educate the public (black youth in particular) on how to appropriately BEHAVE, and ADDRESS the police. Many take the defensive stance too soon, automatically assuming that the police is going to "do something" to them. That is when disrespect and aggressiveness is projected onto the officer. This will in turn make the officer feel threatened and go into "survival" mode. I do have and have had police officers in my family...the #1 thing on a cop's mind is leaving his shift ALIVE.

    In America...many black men are in FEAR of the cop, the COP is the one with the gun. The COP is the one with the lawful right to "shoot to kill". When being stopped, make no sudden movements. Cops address people as SIR and MA'AM. Return the same respect. Know your rights. Even if you are wrongfully detained, searched, or arrested...stay calm, let your lawyer or the judge sort it out. At least you live and are not shot in 'self defense' by the officer.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    In America...many black men are in FEAR of the cop, the COP is the one with the gun. The COP is the one with the lawful right to "shoot to kill". When being stopped, make no sudden movements. Cops address people as SIR and MA'AM. Return the same respect. Know your rights. Even if you are wrongfully detained, searched, or arrested...stay calm, let your lawyer or the judge sort it out. At least you live and are not shot in 'self defense' by the officer.

    I am white and a retired deputy sheriff and I feel the same way for the same reasons.

    Fear can be a protection and keep one alive.

    I know when the police stop me, they are looking at me just like they look at anybody else even a black men.

    I see their hand by their gun.

    When I went to the police accademy that is how they taught me to be.

    I was taught to draw my gun any second.

    I was taught to stand in front of the mirror and practice drawing my gun.

    And that was back in the 80's.

    If I am stopped, I dont make any sudden moves.

    If the police want something out of my glove compartment or wallet.

    I go real slow and talk to them and tell them what I am doing in slow motion.

    They say you are supposed to keep your registration in the vehicle.

    But I keep mine in my wallet.

    That way I can have my wallet out before the cop gets to me with no sudden moves.

    I would put wallet on the dash before the cop gets to the car.

    Then pick it up when he tells me to.

    And there is less threat finding something in a wallet than probing and pulling things out of a glove compartment.

    Try not to give the police any reason to stop you.

    They are looking for reasons, no matter what color or sex you are.

    Do not weave or cross the lane line. That is probable cause. The cause would be dui.

    Make sure all your lights and blinkers are working, defective equipment is a reason to be stopped.

    When I was young before I became a sheriff, I was head strong and demanded my rights.

    I would not carry a wallet or ID while out in public.

    This is america, I didnt have to and I am white.

    Well, I got thrown against a squad car with 10 cops for demanding my rights.

    It is what it is.

    Dealing with the police is a process, a procedure.

    I don't like it. I try to avoid it.

    But from time to time it happens.

    It is best to keep calm, cool and comply.

    I don't really see a viable alternative.

  • LisaRose

    Well said Raging Bull. There is a problem in this country with police and excessive use of force, especially when it comes to black people, there is no denying it. That being said, I am disturbed to see so may people assume that this was the case in Ferguson when the matter has not been thoroughly investigated. Looting and rioting are not OK, no matter what the facts are. I am also sorry to see some black leaders making provocative statements, such as that Michael Brown's blood is crying out for vengeance. Guilt has not been established and he is urging people to take vengeance? Justice, yes, vengeance, no. There is some evidence that this young man was not the innocent college student that was initially reported to be, so let the facts speak for themselves. If it turns out this young man was innocent, I will join the protest.

    This case does show that there is a problem in this country, in that black people do not feel they are treated fairly by the police, and that is based on reality and experience. I worked with a black woman years ago who lived in a predominantly white area. Her husband was frequently stopped by the police for no reason, an obvious case of DWB (driving while black) He finally got a decorative screen for his pick up window and took to wearing a cowboy hat, which fixed the problem.

    I saw a report on the use of cameras which some cities are now requiring all officers use. Those that use them see a huge drop in both physical alterations and complaints of excessive force. When the police are in a position that they must use force, the camera documents it and protects them from unfounded claims of excessive force. I think this technology should be used by every police force in the country.

  • UFCFan

    Media double standards at their finest.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Black people warn me that I cannot be outside after dusk b/c I am white. The police pulled me aside and warned me. Rather than warn me,the Police should arrest the fiends dragging down the entire city. Slavery is no excuse. My family came from hard circumstances in Europe. We never owned slaves nor made a profit from the slave trade. CNN has been too pro-Brown for a news organization. So little is known.

  • jam

    I agree with Band, "so little is known".The media sometimes can fan the flame.

    A mob of 20 black guys, more like 7 guys. If it was 7 white guys that beat

    a white guy would it be in the news. Maybe it was just an altercation and

    not a hate crime that turned physical. The story, 20 out of control

    black men randomly start a fight with two white guys who were just

    minding their own business while searching for pancakes.

    But if this is the case, a hate crime they should be held accountable.

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