Post some niceness ! There is too much negativity in the world.

by new hope and happiness 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    So here we are on a niceness thread talking about nice things.

    Yesterday a very pretty girl left her mobile behind at the computer in the libary, i returned it to her and she gave me a hug.


    My adorable little 5 pound Yorkie barked and snarled ferociously at a dog that was behind a wooden fence in the adjacent yard. He obviously didn't realize that the other dog weighs about 175 pounds. It was a really funny sight. Made me smile!

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Awww :- even nicer if they could be friends.

  • Heartofaboy

    I saw kittens & puppies on TV last night & 'Grumpy Cat'

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Check out my thread "the good news thread". And feel free to add to it...

    I agree, too much negativity. I don't think it's burying one's head in the sand to point out the good things now and then, it seems only the bad news actually makes the news..

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Dhoh:- thanks

  • galaxie

    The sun is shining . I have my youngest granddaughter in the garden. We are looking at the apples on the apple tree she is touching the leaves, now she sees my daughters cat and wants to run after it. She is almost 2 yrs old, I love when she shouts..papa papa.

    My daughter (her auntie)will take her for lunch and I will meet up, I intend to buy her a present today.

    It will be a nice happy day filled with love.

    Best wishes.

  • Heartofaboy

    I'd love your day too galaxie, it sounds wonderful.

  • This is my tigersuit
    This is my tigersuit

    every day when i come home from work, my 2 boys- my 2 doggies, that is- are there waiting and happy. makes me happy :smile:

    no matter what BS might be going on in life, dogs are always your friend, always loving, ready to lick your tears away.

  • Heartofaboy

    I know Timts, when I feel ugly & low the unconditional joy the dogs display when I arrive home does a power of good.

    Lots of cuddles too.

    I'm such an old softee.


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