Treatment of DFed family members. FAQ vs Nov 2014 WT

by EndofMysteries 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    On FAQ, " Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Shun Former Members of Their Religion?, Those who were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses but no longer preach to others, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned..... What of a man who is disfellowshipped but whose wife and children are still Jehovah’s Witnesses? The religious ties he had with his family change, but blood ties remain. The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings continue."

    The NOV 2014 WT STUDY EDITION - "We must be holy in our conduct" par 5 " Are you personally proving yourself holy with regard to not associating with family members or others who have been disfellowshipped?"

  • Balaamsass2

    Why does the WTBTS seem so much like a restrained Taliban to me?

  • EndofMysteries

    I know it seems all the time people say the current WT is horrible and the worst yet. That's really putting it lightly for the Nov 2014 WT. In just 2/3 articles you'll read as above, Don't associate w/ dfed family, don't go to worldly relatives funerals or weddings, kiss the GB arse for the new elder appointing arrangement, Kiss the GB arse to survive the GT, salvation is based upon OBEDIENCE to the GB, be ready for instructions for when gog attacks JWs, give as much as you can and if you have nothing then find something to give, don't take blood.

    It's like the Nov 2014 WT is the whole updated doctrine of it's followers. Keep a barf bucket close by should you read it.


    The November 2014 Study Edition and it's hardline rules should be enough to cause most 'fence-sitters' to finally ditch the Organization once and for all. Only the most masochistic Witnesses will still slavishly swallow this new harder Watchtower line. Any awake Witnesses should IMMEDIATELY get OUT of the Organization and do everything humanly possible to take your entire family with you. The time for half-measures and playing cat & mouse is over!!! GET OUT NOW!!! Your life and your sanity are at stake!!

  • smiddy

    Jehovahs Witnesses speak out of both sides of their mouth at the same time.

    Or as an American Indian would have said "Jehovah`s Witnesses speak with a forked tongue "


  • DJS


    Let's hope some of the fence sitters will wake up, but this is typical Borgian monologue. It seems to answer the questions a few have posed recently about whether the Dark Lords would loosen their death grip on the rank and file and become a kinder, gentler Borganization. End of time cults double down with more of the harsh control, eat their own (paranoid delusionial) and circle the wagons (Satan and his hordes are a comin' after 'em), when pressured or when they feel threatened, and they likely are feeling a lot of that right now. Good for them.

    The Dark Lords are closer to Jim Jones and Heaven's Gate than they are to any mainstream belief system. They have been and still are an end-of-time drama princess crying shrilly in the night about pending doom. The narcissism fueling the Dark Lords drives them to more of the same draconian controls. The rank and file buy off on this stuff because they hope that they are just oh so close to salvation. Look at how bad the world is!!! (Don't pay any attention to the good stuff). And they will be the only ones making it through!! Isn't that special.

    The Dark Lords love power and control more than they love sheeple. The numbers and increase merely fuel the narcissism and reinforces the power and control. They likely love power and control more than growth/increase, as they can spin this as a separation work of the wheat and the chaff and blame that Satan guy. Increase is proof that Jah is with them. Decrease is proof that Jah is with them. Persecution is proof that Jah is with them. Peace is proof that Jah is with them (that peace and security BS). Money is proof that Jah is with them.

    But a lack of money????? Their Achilles heel.

    I doubt they love power and control more than money, which is the only thing that would possibly result in a kinder gentler Borganization. If the Dubs really want to get their attention, stop donating.

    Anyway, NavyTown, I like your posts. Thanks.

  • steve2

    I think you credit fence sitters with too much common sense and courage.

    I suggest fence sitters precisely because they know full well the consequences of leaving would be personally too exacting - and fence sitting is their way of maintaining an uneasy equilibrium between their doubts and family and business ties.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    I agree with Steve.....those articles makes fence-sitters sitting even longer...why should they risk their family/friendship ties? This is emotional blackmailing.

  • Phizzy

    Sitting on a fence is a pain in the arse.

    It may get too much for some, but lets face it, those nearly 8 Mill have swallowed the most appallingly silly bull***t, put up with ever tightening control, and huge demands for money in recent years, if they are still in now, they are likely to not blink an eye at this WT study.

    They will listen with less than half an ear, and then go for Sunday lunch as usual, not even noticing that a harder line is being taken.

    Slowly boiling frogs.

  • sir82

    The FAQ mentions "husband and wife", while the 11/15/14 WT mentions "family".

    The WTS is concerned about millions of JWs who are associating with DF'ed children, parents, siblings, cousins, etc. The FAQ conveniently ignores that.

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