HULK HOGAN will he convert to Jehovah's Witnesses?

by Watchtower-Free 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sparky1

    Sorry Ruderedhead but I stand by my fulminations and I will not back track. Plus I don't drink as a rule just a cocktail 2 or 3 times a year! Hahahahahaha............................As a side note and off topic: When I was in Junior High School in the late 1960's I had to tell the Gym Teacher that I could not wrestle in Gym class because it was against my religion.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    When I was in Junior High School in the late 1960's I had to tell the Gym Teacher that I could not wrestle in Gym class because it was against my religion.

    You should've gone to Bethel. I've heard "wrestling" was quite popular there...still is. Wrestling is not against your religion in Bethel.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Homeless people do not have computers to log on to JW.Org, nor do they have money to donate to WT's real estate ventures. Giving them a tract, despite it's so-called purpose of guiding them to "truth" and "everlasting life", is a waste of WT resources.

    It's interesting that you say that, our last CO gave a talk (and I suspect everyone else who went got the same talk) about not being prejudiced, and we should preach to everyone. The material that he seemed to talk about from the outline seemed to be mostly about race/hobbies/etc. but the little bit of personal 'color' that the CO added was a personal experience involving a homeless guy, that basically ended with him saying that we need to be sure to preach even to the homeless.

    It's a funny situation when the official policies (preach to everyone) of the cult start to go against it's unofficial goals (make money). I wonder if there will be a WT article encouraging people to consider the mental health of those who they preach to, or to acknowledge that some people are too far gone as a way of discouraging JWs from witnessing to the homeless that will do nothing but leach the WTS's money (as they see it) from the congregation.

    I guess if they're just going to transition to ineffectual tracts that direct people to a website, that completely solves the problem of preaching to the homeless, too.

  • sparky1

    Very insightful comment AndDon'tCallMeShirley! I was just thinking that posting the Hulks REAL name would not have such an attention grabbing effect. Can you imagine if the caption read: "Here are two sisters out in tract work. A fellow by the name of Terry Bollea gladly accepted a tract from these two fine sisters." Fellow Witnesses would probably be saying under their breath: "Who the HELL is Terry Bollea. He looks just like HULK HOGAN!" (Sorry that I am on a roll but this whole self promotion disgusts me!!!!)

  • Watchtower-Free
  • punkofnice

    I look forward to seeing the Hulk appear in the next Sparlock video!

  • sparky1

    I was a BETHELITE, ADCMS! And I knew a 'wrestler' there that was an ELDER and he tried to get me to join his team. But I have posted about that episode elsewhere and I don't want to detract from the OP. You are a cool dude ADCMS and I really like your sense of humor! It adds alot to some otherwise droll and insipid comments made on this board.

  • sparky1

    Now if Mick Foley and Mr. Socko take a tract I might be persuaded to return to Jehovah's Witnesses!

  • Watchtower-Free


  • OneEyedJoe

    You know, on further thought, he'd fit right in. He has a mustache, but no beard and he already calls everyone "brother"

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