Many JWs are hypocrites. They lie, cheat, swear, get drunk, fool around, etc..... Just because someone is a Pioneer, or a Ministerial Servant or an Elder--- it means nothing. Some of the "finest examples", are two faced "Christians".
The Double Life Of A Jehovah's Witness
by minimus 16 Replies latest jw friends
new hope and happiness
Many Jws are hypocrites...
That word " Many" sounds like something written in a watchtower to imply more than it is.
Anyway i think we are all hypocritical to a degree. Anyway its something ive been working on.
Doing all of those things while being mentally out, does that still count as hipocrisy? I guess it does, I don't feel bad about it, not anymore.
If you admit you are a sinner and you sin, oh well. If you pretend to follow the rules but sneak around in the catch round then you are
Don't be so generous, new hope and happiness. There are many, many, many Elders that 'drink like a fish', are miserable in their marriage, have unruly children that break the law,married Elders that flirt openly with worldly women when no one is looking, flirt with married women in the congregation, DON'T pay their bills and on and on and on. I know of one Elder that was self employed in my old congregation. The IRS had to SUE him every few years in order to get him to pay his back taxes! How do I know? I would search public records on the computer and see this happening all the time, not just a one time happening. But these same Elders will judge, criticise, shun, counsel, cajole, and disfellowship you for doing the same things that they are guilty of in private. ( I am not foolish enough to think that there is a large number of Elders that are outright fornicators, adulterers or thieves but they push the envelope when they can.)
Sparky is correct.
new hope and happiness
Sparky it saddened me as i realised many elders in my congregation many elders had compromised there own ethical and moral standards to live the life of being an elder. I found that very sad. Funnily enough one elder was a drunk before he became a witness. Then he got baptised and " drunk" with becomming an elder. That power corrupted him. Sad man.
That's why there is a high number of JW's with mental issues.
Catholicism, make your confessions to the man in the booth and
a couple of Hail Marys and you on your way. No embarrassing
announcements to the congregation, just between you and Jehovah..
No room for speculations from the congregation, your sin....
The RF is more afraid of the Elders then Jehovah....
Exactly titles mean nothing!
Yes jam there are a high number of Witnesses with 'mental' and 'emotional' issues. Again, in the congregation that I used to attend, there are eight Elders. Four of the eight are on anti-depressants, one of the four is also taking Valium for his nerves and one of the four 'drinks like a fish.' How do I know? Two of the four are part of my 'extended family', one of the four is part of the first two's extended family (sorry to sound so confusing but we are not directly related) and the fourth Elder told me on a shepherding call to me that he will have to be on anti-depressants for the rest of his life because he has a 'chemical imbalance'. Doesn't sound like a happy and balanced bunch of people to me!