bttt those who would like to know there is a comments again
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 08-31-2014 WT Study (FULL POTENTIAL)
by blondie 36 Replies latest jw friends
St George of England
I liked paragraph 14, are the WT writers having fun with us?
14. AlexANDRE, a newly appointed elder........
For my sake, I am starting up my comments again,
I am delighted to read that, Blondie. They have been sadly missed.
You did better with this one than I could. I looked and found nothing to say, it was so bland. Dub family had no comments either - it was just.....nothing..
I was somewhat surprised to see the illustration of the rock climbing, too.
BluesBrother, sometimes if you are around people who still believe this crap, it can desensitize you. Most of this are my first impressions from my first reading. I have no contact with jws including family. No meetings, conventions, assemblies, memorials, special events, weddings, funerals, baby showers (if I were invited). Except for the jws that post on JWN I would be away from the culture totally.
Stillin, I was surprised about the rock climbing illustration. The WTS must think that jws are all out rock climing on Saturday afternoon after service. When I was still attending, I would have gone up after the meeting and asked the conductor how they could use that illustration. Seems like worldly thinking was creeping into theocratic thinking. I would have a photocopy of the rock climbing article on that. I would have asked, "is it okay now for jws to rock climb"?
Following the lead of (I think) stuckinarut, I'm posting while carrying the mic for this study, makes the bs a bit more bearable.
Par 10 seems to be encouraging love bombing... Encouraging everyone to show new one that they have a place in the congregation. Disturbing how blatant they can be about it and no one notices.
Whoa par16 was a doozy...stressing how important it is to help children to trick an unbelieving parent into dropping their objection to the cult. Also, it's very important to baptize kids before they get any taste of freedom or develop critical thinking skills.
Thanks for reviving your commentaries, Blondie. While I will never attend another Witness gathering/meeting again, I want to stay informed as to the flavor of the kool-aid being doled out nowadays.
OneEyedJoe, my husband got lots of attention when he was studying and not yet baptized. As soon as he was baptized, the attention dropped away...didn't even bother to study a second publication and get some easy time.