New World Order (Novus Ordo Seclorum)
by Calebs Airplane 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
New World Order, New world order or The New World Order may refer to:
- New World Order (conspiracy theory), a conspiracy theory in which a secret elite is conspiring to rule the world via world government and globalization
- New world order (politics), any period of history evidencing a dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power
- New world order (Bahá'í) , a body of teachings of the Bahá'í Faith
- The New World Order (Wells), a 1940 book by H. G. Wells promoting a post-WWII new world order uniting the world and bringing peace
- The New World Order (Robertson), a 1991 book by Pat Robertson presenting a conspiracy theory in which Christians are targeted for persecution
- The New World Order, a 1944 book by Maulana Muhammad Ali arguing that only Islam can establish lasting world peace
- The New World Order, a 1990 book by A. Ralph Epperson presenting a Masonic New World Order conspiracy theory
- The Gulf Crisis and the New World Order is a 1990 book by the fourth Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Mirza Tahir Ahmad.
- The New World Order, a 2004 science fiction novel by Ben Jeapes
- The New World Order: Facts & Fiction, a 2010 book analyzing NWO conspiracy theories by Mark Dice
Had to go pretty far back to find that term "new world order". Did you find it more recently used by the WTS not just a quote from non-jws?
Thank you very much for that post. That should wake a few of us up. The Watchtower hasn't been telling us that we are good for nothing slaves for nothing, but rather, they are preparing us for our future. We will be the bottom layer of the pyramid and it won't be pretty. Shut-up and obey. I'm certainly going to keep this post.
We'll be at the bottom of the pyramid, at least those that survive. The Georgia Guidestones claim to want the earths population below one billion. There sure won't be any elderly people there in that New World Order that we've preached to come for the last 100 years. And procreation won't be normal either, it will be probably just from test tubes. My gawd! Stop the New World Order!!!!
I'm telling you, YHWH is an intergalactic being, bent on dominating the human race. Wait until the "aliens" are revealed. Hopefully Enki will save us.
Band on the Run
This is garbage.
Band-----Oh, that it were, oh, that it were.
Note that this phrase appears in WTS publications from 1991 on when President HW Bush said it and is not associated with God's kingdom except for a few places prior to that. The preferred terms were "New World" or "new order." Not wanting to be associated with human governments, from 1991 the WTS has avoided that term in connection with the version of God's kingdom.
*** w05 6/1 p. 3 Whatever Happened to World Unity? ***
“For the first time since World War II the international community is united. . . . The world can therefore seize this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order.”
SO SAID a president of the United States in the last decade of the 20th century.
*** w93 1/1 p. 19 par. 5 Shepherding With Our Grand Creator ***
While politicians talk of uniting mankind through a new world order, the one Shepherd is actually uniting the sheep of all nations through a multilanguage witnessing campaign such as only God’s organization on earth could ever begin to undertake.
*** w93 1/15 pp. 8-9 par. 3 Light Bearers—For What Purpose? ***
Once more, the lights did not burn brightly. In view of more recent events, however, world leaders have been talking about “a new world order.” But it can hardly be said that any “new world” of their making has provided true peace and security.
*** w93 5/1 p. 3 Do We Need the Bible? ***
As this century draws to a close, technological developments and human philosophies have failed to produce world stability. Recent hopes for a new world order have given way to disillusionment, and the lives of many have been reduced to a daily struggle for survival.
*** w93 12/15 p. 12 par. 8 Trust in Jehovah! ***
In the degraded world around us, trust is sadly lacking. Instead, we find greed and corruption everywhere. The front cover of the May 1993 issue of the magazine World Press Review was emblazoned with the message: “THE CORRUPTION BOOM—Dirty Money in the New World Order. The corruption industry extends from Brazil to Germany, from the United States to Argentina, from Spain to Peru, from Italy to Mexico, from the Vatican to Russia.” Based as it is on hatred, greed, and distrust, man’s so-called new world order reaps nothing but escalating miseries for mankind.
*** w92 3/1 p. 3 Man’s Plans for International Security ***
“When all this is over, we want to be the healers. We want to do what we can to facilitate what I might optimistically call a new world order.”—U.S. president George Bush, January 1991, shortly after the beginning of the war with Iraq.
“President Bush’s concept of a New World Order stresses the importance of the rule of law and the belief that nations have a collective responsibility for freedom and justice. With the ending of the Cold War, a new era is emerging.”—U.S. ambassador to Australia, August 1991.
*** w92 3/1 p. 6 Will Plans for International Security Succeed? ***
Other religions, although not represented at Assisi, are also optimistic about man’s plans for international security. An editorial in Die Kerkbode, the official journal of South Africa’s Dutch Reformed Church, said: “We are experiencing the transition into a new world order. What seemed inconceivable a few years ago is happening before our very eyes. The reconciliation taking place on the greater world scene between the Soviet Union and the West has wide regional implications. In our part of the world, traditionally opposing parties and sworn enemies are talking to one another, and the urge toward ‘peace’ is surfacing everywhere . . . From a Christian standpoint, all efforts to bring peace between people should be welcomed. We can pray for peace in our time.”
*** w92 4/1 p. 6 Man’s “New World Order” Near? ***
TODAY, millions of people are in bondage to false religion, and many choose to remain that way. At the same time, more and more are demanding political freedoms. The extraordinary events of the past few years in Eastern Europe and elsewhere have demonstrated that people want freer forms of government. As a result, many are saying that a new era of freedom is at hand. The president of the United States called it “a new world order.” Indeed, world leaders everywhere were saying that the Cold War and the arms race were over and that a new era of peace had dawned for mankind.—Compare 1 Thessalonians 5:3.
*** w92 9/15 p. 19 par. 2 Jehovah’s Use of “Foolishness” to Save Those Believing ***
Likewise, the world trumpets its purpose to give people peace, prosperity, and good government by means of a so-called new world order. But God’s purposes and those of the world are not the same. Jehovah’s purpose is to vindicate himself as the Supreme Sovereign of the universe. This he will do by means of a heavenly government that will obliterate all earthly governments
*** w92 9/15 pp. 19-20 pars. 3-4 Jehovah’s Use of “Foolishness” to Save Those Believing ***
Extensive libraries are replete with the accumulated knowledge of centuries of human experience. Despite this, however, the new world order that worldly rulers propose could only be a rule by imperfect, sin-stained, dying men. Hence, that order would be imperfect, repeating many past blunders and never satisfying all of mankind’s needs.—Romans 3:10-12; 5:12.
4 Man’s proposed new world order is subject not only to human frailty but also to the influence of wicked spirit creatures—yes, Satan the Devil and his demons.
*** w92 9/15 p. 20 par. 5 Jehovah’s Use of “Foolishness” to Save Those Believing ***
What, then, is the basic flaw of this world’s wisdom, including its plans for a new world order? It is that the world ignores what can never successfully be ignored—the supreme sovereignty of Jehovah God
*** w68 1/1 p. 19 pars. 44-45 How Great a Witness? ***
Even during that war year of 1942 a large convention was arranged at Cleveland, Ohio, and in the public talk “Peace—Can It Last?” the new president of the Society, N. H. Knorr, said:
45 “They [the nations and false religionists] will continue to take action against Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions who announced Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ and who refuse to get on the ‘peace beast’ and to ride along with religion. Incensed at the persistent proclamation of God’s kingdom, and because it shows up the false, hypocritical position of the religious ‘New World order’, the beast with all its heads and horns, and with the ‘woman’ Babylon spurring it on, will make a desperate try at goring and trampling to death the Kingdom proclamation. By force it will succeed in stopping the preaching thereof. But Christ Jesus warned that when this witness work is finished, and when Almighty God permits it to be stopped by the ‘woman’ and the beast, ‘then shall the end come’ for them.”—Matt. 24:14.
*** w66 12/1 p. 730 Can This World’s Armageddon Be Avoided? ***
They will enjoy the fine privilege of seeing Satan’s complete organization on earth and all wickedness destroyed off of it and the dawning of a righteous new day in which a new world order under the peaceful kingdom of Christ will be ushered in to rule everlastingly.
*** w54 4/1 p. 200 Does God Have a Hand in Man’s Wars? ***
They would do well to fix their attention, not on a new world-order supported by military might, but on the “new heavens and new earth” that God creates and that will last forever.
but also
*** w52 7/15 p. 432 par. 1 Patriarchal Society ***
From these it is possible to obtain a clearing vision of the details which will operate in the new world order of things. Actually the new order of things is already taking shape and will be fully operating at Armageddon time to fill the vacuum left after the cataclysmic disappearance of the old order. For this reason God’s witnesses on earth are now diligently studying the Holy Scriptures to fully examine the numerous shadows, principles, methods, procedures and systems employed by societies of God’s servants in Biblical times. God’s dealings with those ancient societies foreshadowed many developments in the new world order of things.—Rom. 15:4, NW.
*** w52 11/15 p. 696 pars. 3-4 In Union with Love ***
And what happened to them? Why, by believing in him who became their sin-bearer, as Jesus had just previously explained to Nicodemus, they would escape the destruction ultimately to come on the world in its judgment day, and, instead, they were given authority to become God’s children with the promise of everlasting life in that new world order, that new heavens and new earth where righteousness dwells.
4 But, you ask, if the world God loves so much was something far future from the day when Jesus spoke, why did he speak of God’s loving it in the past tense? The answer is, because God not only determined and set his mind on that new world order as soon as the need arose, away back at the time of the rebellion in Eden, but also set his heart upon it with unbreakable attachment and devotion.
*** w50 6/1 p. 171 A Completely New World for This Globe ***
The new world means more than the nations realize. It calls for more than they can muster. The bald fact is that they do not want it. For that reason the promised new world of lasting peace should not be confused with the so-called “new order” or “new world order” that was held up and widely advertised a few years ago by the political and religious dictators as a lure to the people.
*** g85 4/8 p. 8 Have Political Messiahs Brought Peace? ***
FORMER U.S. President Woodrow Wilson was one of the leaders of the peace negotiations after World War I. He was seen by some as “the selfless champion of a new world order based on justice and a right regard for the aspirations of all people.” His answer to the problems of world peace was the League of Nations. He had high hopes for his pet project.
One account states: “At one point he amazed [British Prime Minister] Lloyd George and [French Premier] Clemenceau by explaining how the league would establish a brotherhood of man where Christianity had not been able to do so.” Why had Christ Jesus not “succeeded”? Wilson answered: “He taught the ideal without devising any practical means of attaining it. That is the reason why I am proposing a practical scheme to carry out His aims.”
Wilson was proclaimed by the French press as the “High Priest of the Ideal, Leaguer of the Nations, Benefactor of Humanity, Shepherd of Victory and Legislator of Peace.” Once again the people were being led to put all their hope and trust in politicians and their schemes for bringing about a “new world order.” Did the League of Nations bring lasting peace? Or did it contribute to an era of chaos?
*** g75 10/8 pp. 12-13 Is the Bible Realistic? ***
However, there are some persons who see such “prophecies” as only a dream. U.S. News & World Report of May 5, 1975, said: “You hear less and less talk these days of ‘a new world order.’ Hardly surprising. More and more, the world seems to be limited to regional groupings, often competitive, seldom co-operative. Even these appear increasingly troubled, torn by nationalism, insecure.”
*** g73 10/8 p. 22 You Can Survive the Coming Collision ***
THE world is heading with accelerating speed toward collision—a collision that soon will utterly wreck the present world order. Yet there will be survivors of that collision, and these will take up life in a new world order.
*** g72 10/8 p. 6 Why Hopes Grow for a “Generation of Peace” ***
Writing in The Observer (London), Robert Stephens described President Nixon as having “set his international sights high, no less than laying the foundations of a new world order.”
*** g72 10/8 p. 13 A “Generation of Peace” or a Short-lived World Peace? ***
A WORLDWIDE détente, or relaxation of strained international relations, is now in the making. How long will it last? Will it bring a “generation of peace” in a “new world order,” as some foresee?
*** km 1/92 p. 8 par. 2 What Will You Say When You Return? ***
If a person expressed anxiety over recent developments in the world situation, you could say:
▪ “The last time we spoke together you made an interesting point about the lack of peace in the world. Do you think that world leaders will bring in a new world order?”
*** pr section 7 p. 28 par. 18 God’s Purpose Soon to Be Realized ***
Today the Cold War is over, and international war may no longer be a major threat. So the nations may feel that they are well on the way toward a new world order. But when they feel that their efforts are succeeding, it will mean the opposite of what they think, for that will be the final signal that this system’s destruction by God is imminent. Remember, political negotiations and treaties are not making any real changes in people. They are not making people love one another. And world leaders are not putting a stop to crime, nor are they eliminating disease and death. So do not put your trust in any development of human peace and security and think that this world is on its way to solving its problems. (Psalm 146:3) What such a cry will really mean is that this world is very near to being on its way out.