I personally think its a 50/50 possibility considering the fact that it all boils down to either matter/energy thats always existed and exploded to give us galaxies or its a creator thats always existed . . .
I don't think a 50/50 possibility is a good assesment of the situation. Matter and energy are known to exist. Gods are not. It would be like me saying there is a 50/50 possibility that either the mail man delivered my mail this morning or a flying unicorn delivered it. This is completely irrational. In order to say something is "possible" you either have to have a precident or something of parallel comparison. Without that, you can't know if something is possible or not. And you certainly can't assign a 50/50 variable to it. This is a classic arguement from ignorance fallacy.
A second point is that the universe started out simple and and has become more complex over time (2nd law of thermodynamics). God(s) would have started out complicated (if we're talking about something that is unchanging).
Coded , did those studies accomodate for dark matter and energy which can't be quantified by any scientific instruments?
It was their meassurments that discoverd dark energy (dark matter had been discovered much earlier). As far as your statement that they can't be "quantified" I'm not sure what you mean by that. Both are measurable. We know their quantities. We just don't know what they are. Much like gravity, we don't yet understand what it is. But to say it can't be "quantified" would be to use some pretty sloppy language.
Now on to Seraphim23
God cannot be proven or unproven in objective terms.
It depends upon the God that is claimed to exist. If it's a god that made Adam and Eve out of dust-ribs 6,000 years ago we can objectively say "that specific God does not exist." This is why in most debates Thiest refuse to define God. It prevents them to be pinned down on anything.
If I said, "You're a thief - because you stole a red Ferrari from the dealership down the street yesterday at 12:00."
This is a specific claim that can be investigated and is falsifiable.
However, if I just said, "You're a thief because you stole something."
This is not falsifiable. And I would disregard such a statement as utter nonsense until such a time as I could be provided with more specifics (what was stolen, when it was stolen, how it was stolen, etc). I feel the same with the God hypothesis because, the vast majority of the time, it's NOT EVEN a hypothesis. I think your quote of Wolfgang Pauli was spot on, " It is not only not right, it is not even wrong."