Are Congregation Picnics still forbidden? If so, Why???
by NAVYTOWN 38 Replies latest jw friends
I think this was just another legal issue. The "Congregation" is organized to preach the good news of the kingdom ... period. To label an event as a "congregation" event brings certain expectations and perhaps liability. Some people have a hard time distinguishing between the legalistic jargon and think that this meant no parties or picnics, what it meant was that the congregation did not sponsor them. The corporation doesn't like rank and file to blur the line between the actions of the followers and the corporation. JW's who understand the spin continued to organize gatherings without calling it a congregation event.
Blondie, I never stated that your experience was invalid. In fact I said it was true, just that there is a different scenario where I am
It depends on the local Elders...
Does not happen around here!
Sorry, JK, I was directing that to cantleave.
I am sure it is all about liability. If someone is hurt in a "congregation picnic" then the congregation is liable.
It is also about not wanting people to have fun. Guilt drives this organization, anything that reduces guilt (like fun) has to be forbidden.
Band on the Run
St. Paul was so insistent on agape meals and everyone's participation. What could go wrong at a picnic? Does watermelon have blood, too? My congregation was next to a nice park. Maybe they did have a picnic and decided not to invite me.
Get togetheters started becomeing less and less after bookstudies were done away with...
As it is facebook is where most witnesses are.
it should be clear that someone is responsible for what goes on.
I find it odd that the entire legal argument the WT is making in the Candice Conti case is that no one was responsible for what happened to her, not the Organization, because it wrote policies in the Shepard the Flock handbook that allowed this pedophile to be sheltered,not the elders, not the congregation, only she was responsible and her parents for allowing her to go out in a WT mandated house to house activity with a man whose record was unknown to them ( but known to the elders as a pedophile ) They are big on "responsibilty" just as long as they are not the ones held responsible.
So, who was held responsible at Cana if someone was riding their ass home and drunkenly crossed the center-line and ran over someone begging by the road side?
In an ancient nation chocked-full of those lettered in the Law I'm thinking there was probably some ambulance chasing going on.