the writer of AnointedJW : another master of pomposity?

by opusdei1972 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • opusdei1972

    As I have read before, one of the members of this forum noted that the writer of the website AnointedJW is a master of pomposity. I am not against them, as I am with JW.ORG (The Watchtower Society), but I see that they are trying to imitate the language of the Old Testament Prophets. For instance, this is what they have recently written:

    We, at AnointedJW, began this year with a proclamation that this is the Father’s Acceptable Year and the Watchtower Society’s Time of Inspection. The Governing Body began this year with their celebration of 100 years of stalled prophecy. Thus, this year can culminate as the Governing Body’s glorious or inglorious hour. Their shining victory or their darkest defeat!

    If there is a God, he is not concerned about any religious group. These guys of the AnointedJW website are regarding the Organization as the ancient Israel, and they think they are being led by a divine force who is doing an "Inspection" through a "prophet" for this work. This is a similar dangerous claim done by Russell against Christendom, then this produced another enslaving religion with Rutherford and his friends as their leaders. The fact is that christianity began with a man who spoke interesting words, but misled many people by propagating a false prophecy: "This generation will not pass". That generation passed and saw no end of the world. So, christianity born with a false prophecy and this is why it causes confusion.

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    The site smacks of dementia.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    It smacks of urantia.

  • Honesty

    It sounds like the demunz have infiltrated it.

  • insidetheKH

    I think this website is runned from Bogota or Medellin


    JW.ORG vs ANOINTEDJW.ORG!!! THE BATTLE OF THE BAT-SHIT CRAZY CULTS!! Who will win, the Pyramid purveyors of Pittsburg, or the Unsung Urantia Underdogs?!?! It's the fight of the century!!! Tickets on sale, NOW!!!


  • cofty

    haha I thought that phrase sounded familiar...

    What hubris to imagine that the machinations of 8 old gits in Brooklyn is the primary concern of the almighty.

  • opusdei1972

    So what will the Governing Body choose to do this year? Will they take the wise course and properly honor Jesus as the head of the congregation and the one to whom every knee should bend, or will they go forward with extolling the progress of their building projects?

    My crystal ball tells me that the members of the Governing Body will choose the best places in warwick and will continue to eat steak with blood and good wine by the money of those poor witnesses who obey them.

  • steve2

    The Almighty has far more important things to do than concern Himself over the spiritual machinations of rich and privileged Americans. Every stupid man and his dog in America is convinced God is on their side.

    Meanwhile, blood spills by the bucketsful in the Middle East while Americans wax pompous over God's "plans" for his "clean" organization. Gnats have greater proportion for at least they appear to know how extremely annoying they are.

  • Pinku

    I agree with you opusdei1972

    The very fact that God has done nothing to systematize the conflicted religions throughout the millennia shows that they don’t belong to Him, and He doesn’t want our worship. He has endowed us with conscience, and approves no organization on earth.-- Romans 2:14-15, 24-27


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