by JHK 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals
The father says : "'We pleaded with them for proton beam treatment. They looked at me straight in the face and said with his cancer - which is called medulloblastoma - it would have no benefit whatsoever.
'I went straight back to my room and looked it up and the American sites and French sites and Switzerland sites where they have proton beam said the opposite, it would be very beneficial for him." So if the proton beam treatment is available in USA, France and Switzerland, what were they doing in Spain? Very fishy. -
I have seen this item (by surprise I may add) on the news. Now i discussed this with my wife and I must say that I do not understand that there is thisbig of a hassle. First of all it is an ADVICE doctors gave. Now there are two parents who took their kid to a place they think is best for them. As a parent I do understand them and do not want other people (be it JW or Government) to dicide what treatment is best. If they have full custody then how on earth does the police see it as kidnapping?!
do not get me wrong: if there is any loophole of blaming JW I would use it to the max but this is beyond religion... It is the right of parents to choose treatment.
Let's get this straight.........there is NOTHING 'FISHY' about them going to Spain.
Also let's remember the state never make good parents.
This family have been treated appallingly.
I hope Ayesha's parents are soon reunited with him.
No one loves Ayesha more than his family.
Band on the Run
My parents had no rights over my body. NEVER. Not even when I was in utero. My parents have diffierent values than I do. Children are extremely precious -and annoying. If I could sue for all the times I was dragged against my will to KH, I would. I was only sixteen when I faced going into a foster home to finish high school. No judge was ever going to rule for them. All I had to do was look the judge in the eye and talk about school. Parents are more trustees.
Is it right for a middle age man to be so obessed with a daughter that he follows her all around.
My mom made it quite clear I might be facing death to finish school. It was not funny. Decades later I pinch myself when I am someplace that is academic in some way.
Govt has an interest in protecting children from bad parents.
I did not believe the father on the YouTube video. He only talked about a small portion of the problem. It was very scripted.
If you watch the enire video the father made he said they went to Spain to sell their vacation home or some property there so that they can pay for treatment in the Czech Rebublic.
Of course the hospital is going to try to spin the story to make themselves look better. Healthcare is "Big Business" and if there is not enough research to defend the use of this treatment in this little boy's situation you can bet your life they will not even try. I belive these parent, jdub or not. Very sad.
Designer Stubble
This might be the same child, who comes home at 15 or so and says he's gay.
You know the outcome.