Thanks, PWP
Excellent! Welcome to life after Wally World. Grand peace of mind isn't it?
by passwordprotected 49 Replies latest jw experiences
Thanks, PWP
Excellent! Welcome to life after Wally World. Grand peace of mind isn't it?
Thanks for sharing. Encouraging. Wishing you the best.
PWP, thanks so much for sharing your journey with us. Much of what you said resonates with me also, notably about having to learn that we ARE worthy of everything wonderful in life. The Power of Now was immensely helpful to me, and may I also recommend The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer?
Meanwhile, I need to get off my butt and start my yoga journey...
Password thank you for sharing yourself
with us.
I remember you from 2010, when my life
landed here ...all shredded up by wt lies.
Btw I immediately tried to became a "born again"!
That lasted about ............3 weeks!
Your words are so very encouraging, and your come-back
after some pretty horrific problems are worthy of
applause & admiration.
"*There was peace in not knowing."
That is one of the things that was amazing
freeing it was to not have to KNOW everything...aahhhhh
Your post was just what I needed today.
You write with such eloquence about all the steps and processes one goes through on the journey to themselves.
I am just beginning that journey and am finding that it is hard to sift out the bitter and find the inspirational.
You give me hope that I can do it.
Thank you, thank you.
Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing your journey.
It is so strange there is so much comfort and happiness in "not knowing."
Great post
Delighted that you are finding the peace and happiness that being yourself brings!
Thanks! Really enjoyed this. Congrats!
I remember you from when I first started posting here. I remember your saying to me, "...praise God for your faith."
I was so faithful then, I began attending a church myself and with the people here challenging me and my own desire to want to remain intellectually honest due to how dishonest I saw the Watchtower being, I began to have doubts myself. I like reading about journeys like yours as it helps me to realize that I am far from alone.
Wow I can so relate to all that, especially the peace that comes from not knowing and furthermore not being expected to know. Jw religion gave us a set of answers, but never actually the right questions, which is far more important. Not knowing takes away the pressure to force others to know what you know, and unites you with the vast percentage of humanity who don't know. Not knowing opens up endless opportunities to find out and explore and grow.