A trillion kisses to you, you understood what I was trying to convey more than myself!
Thank you for that, opusdei1972
by Pinku 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A trillion kisses to you, you understood what I was trying to convey more than myself!
Thank you for that, opusdei1972
Hi Bangalore,
My religion is simple. I believe in the existence of God who I think wants to remain away from humans, with no interference in their affairs (The very fact that He has done NOTHING to systematize the conflicted religions throughout the history shows that they do not belong to Him--all religions appeared on their own.) I believe God is not interested in our worship, but wants us to enjoy life! Because He has given humans more than what they need to enjoy the life--things such as a conscience, life-support system ... And His qualities are displayed in the creation, especially through fruit-bearing trees such as (truth, benevolence and beauty all of which are very much liked by everyone on earth). If you pracitse those three qualities, who will not love you? If any problem exists on earth, its all because of man's mismanagement. If only humans avoid all the wastages (like war-machinery, alcohol ....) every human on earth could have lived in palaces.
Thank you for the painstaking research you did. It shows WT has no idea of what Jesus himself meant when he said “be perfect as your heavenly Father is.”—Mathew 5:28.
According to Jesus, perfection is of the attitude when you perform benevolent acts towards others without any thought of a reward in return, you are perfect, like God the Father.--Mathew 5:44-48
If any problem exists on earth, its all because of man's mismanagement. If only humans avoid all the wastages (like war-machinery, alcohol ....) every human on earth could have lived in palaces.
This is simplistic nonsense.
You are singling out one line from my reply. That line was the part of a main theme that God's qualities (truth, benevolence and beauty) are too obvious to miss in the fruit-bearing trees, hence if one practices those qualities, he will be liked by everyone on earth. Those qualities are not non-sense, it is full of sense--that is what makes you energetic even to speak or type on your keyboard.
I picked out that line because it was stunningly facile.
I agree that perfection is a relative term. Is a wolf perfect? Is a cat perfect? Is a whale perfect? "Perfect" for what?!!! IF humans were created, what were we created for?? Life on Earth forever ( not stated in the Bible ), temporary life on Earth, perhaps??
We have done a pretty damn good job of surviving on this planet by adapting to many different environments. Is that "perfection"??
The notion that there is such a thing as a perfect being strikes me as totally implausible on its face.