Dateline website showing the program now

by Mulan 20 Replies latest social current

  • Mulan

    Check out the Dateline website.

    TUESDAY, MAY 28 - 10:00 PM ET

    Dateline NBC investigates allegations that Jehovah’s Witness members have covered up cases of child molestation in the Church. Dateline Correspondent John Larson talked to former and current Jehovah’s Witnesses who say that Church elders protected the alleged molesters and kept secrets that might have put children at risk.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • peaceloveharmony

    hehehe i just posted this in another thread...LOL no one can say they weren't told when the show will be on :)

  • TheStar


  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Most Jehovah's Witnesses are not at home Tuesday nights because at kingdom hall or in a home doing what is called a book study. Therefore most will only hear about the Dateline NBC show later, and as twisted rumors. So it is important to follow up with letters-to-the-editor and the like which do accurately summarize the show and our feelings about what it says.

  • TheStar


    I tend to disagree. Bookstudy on Tuesday nights is from 7:30 - 8:30. I think that leaves well enough time for a JW to make it back home in time to see the show. Those in the central time zone might maybe miss the very begining but could still catch most of it.

  • hawkaw

    Most JWs will not or should not watch this. I suspect a lot of the "thinking ones" will purposely watch but they are a minority.

    This show is for the soccer moms and getting the public on board.

    Please remember, what is going on now with the AP stories and the Tenn. is just as big a story for the

    Dateline will help keep this story in the press and give it more legs.


  • Mulan

    My mother, who is a loyal dub, said they won't stop her from watching it.

    Harmony, I had to chuckle. There were 3 posts about this, all done at the same time 10:15AM. Too funny. Great minds.......

    I tried to post a new thread, but am over my limit. I asked Princess to post some more info, but it may take awhile. So:

    I just had a call from two of the people who are in Kentucky with the silentlambs group. had to delete this one, sorry from Great Britain (not supposed to post this one), The New York Times, 2 TV stations, and countless other newspapers are there for the news conference at the courthouse.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • peaceloveharmony

    mulan, thanks for the info on the news conference, great news :)

  • hawkaw

    Gee NY Times ....... did you people read that ... the NY Times.

    People look for that article and likely more and take it to your papers. Most papers will publish articles by the Times and the AP. Watch for those articles people.

    This event in Kentucky is huge. I don't know if a lot of people realize the scope of what is happening and how this story is getting legs all because those bozos decided to df Bill and Barb.

    Hawk (snickering to himself)

  • Princess

    Dubs want her here Jehovah's name regardless of the context. They will record the show if they can't get home from the meeting in time. I would have watched it or recorded it for sure, Mulan too. Most dubs will have to watch to satisfy their own curiosity and to know what they will be up against in service after the public gets ahold of this information.


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