I went on my tablet today and clicked "Yes" that I attended the convention (They probably tracked my IP and two elders will show up on my door step)
I scanned through the new brochure on bringing those who have left back. I noticed that not once they mentioned anyone who was DF! It only talked about those who have left.
I don't think they are getting ride of the DF arrangement but, is this brochure only for inactive?
It doesn't make sense to me since most leave and are then DF or are in the process of leaving when they are DF. I don't get what is going on and how this brochure can be used.
Also, it shows the GB are getting worried about their numbers if they're stooping to this level or trying to get old members back.
Lastly, did they really think a Yes or No question was a good security measure to not have the publications released ahead of time? Hate to see them make a Anti-virus program!