Nathan Knorr's infamous remark to my wife many years ago when she asked him how he could sleep at night being aware of the pitted trail that the WTS left behind it, is very telling, "I leave these things to Jehovah to deal with". It shows the ease with which people can come to terms with the foulest deeds if they can pass on the responsibility to others.
In a post some months ago, after 9-11 disaster perpretrated by fanatics, I asked a question, Who said these words, Go to your assignments and DIE there if necessary? No one replied to ask me, and I forgot about the post til now.
The answer to the above question.
Nathan Homor Knorr, in a address to the 34th class of Gilead at South Lansing,in 1960, told the students, GO TO YOUR ASSIGNMENTS AND DIE THERE IF NECESSARY!
If it wasn't for some loving brothers in my former congregation, I would not be here to write you these words.
[i]We shall not forget
Thanks Hillary and Compassionate Wife, for creating the space here for me to write these words, You have broken through my hard exterior crust and allowed the tears to flow from my eyes.
belbab, forty years isolated away in the cold.