Syrian soliders surrendered to ISIS and soon were beaten, stripped naked and shot to death in the desert. These following photos show the innocent victims ISIS has decided to kill. How do you cut the heads off of Four to Eight Year old kids?
Some of you said Islam is still in it's infancy, Betrand Russell was able to write his book "Why I am not a Christian", the author of "Why I am not a Muslim" had to go through two agencies to keep his identity secret, his book was not attacking Islam, it explained why he could not remain a Muslim with all their contradictions after the Salmon Rushdie affair and how fragile Islam is. The UK put themselves on a higher level of alert over the weekend out of fear of some crazy mission from ISIS. My words mean nothing, the silence of the Watchtower means they are terrified of Islam even though they don't believe in the Trinity and might end up as servants paying the Poll Tax while other religions would be slaughtered.
The Religion of Peace, ISIS has said they will march on Mecca if they defeat their enemies, Hammas is ISIS according to Isreal, the radicals will always overpower the moderates time has proven that.