What is the borg? what are dubs? I know I'm forgetting some. Thanks. venting.
help! i'm lite on the lingo
by venting 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I keep forgetting what "venting" means. Your turn!
Hey venting!
Just in case this is a serious OP...
Borg, I believe is a reference to the mindlessness and high control nature of the Watchtower ORGanisation, and a possible reference to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borg_%28Star_Trek%29 .
Dub I believe is short for "Jay Double You" or JW. Again a bit of a reference to the mindlessness imposed on the worshippers of the golden calf (the Watchtower bORGanisation and its website JW.org)
bOrg = Brooklyn ORG. Star Trek mickey take.
See Fernando's post
Our very own Rebel 8 produced an "Apostate Dictionary" a few years back, use Search and you will find it, it needs updating of course, because like other esoteric "languages" , Apostaspeak evolves as many new , hilarious terms and expressions are invented.
bOrg = B rooklyn ORG . Star Trek mickey take.
Really? So what will the term be once they have completely moved out of Brooklyn?
Hi jwfacts... how about the... warogs!!
WORK --War-OR-wicK --WORK, like slaves being worked to death rather than Life.
WORK macht frei.
it is a JW fact.
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