Smiddy on this point you and I will need to agree to disagree. There is so much I agree with you on - but not on this issue.
ISIS Kills American Soldier, Will Watchtower Speak Out Finally?
by BucketShopBill 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
zed is dead
There must not be any witness being given in ISIL territory. I do not expect the terror group to round up JW's at a Starbuck's coffee break.
Yet the end is just around the corner . . .
The WBT$ won't say a thing. The leaders are only interested in getting the money and power rolling in not getting blown up.
The only time they might mention it is if were already a big news item in the press, not put there by them but that they had to respond to. The WTS has only put news items in about the persecution and killing of jws. When there is a disaster, jws only comment on the welfare of jws.
Gustv Cintrn
JWs preach the good news of God's Kingdom in the hands of our Savior, Jesus Christ; the only future solution of ALL of humanity's problems.
Now, all interested go to and learn about said Kingdom.
This is 'JW101' basic.
Band on the Run
Islam is not a bad religion. Why must the WT speak out? I can't recall the Witnesses ever speaking out for justice. Do you think ISIS will stop if the WT speaks out. Remember with their theology, there is no difference between ISIS and western democracies. All I heard were about the concentration camp JWs, never about Jews, gays, the disabled, gypsies, etc.
Interestingly, cults seem to ALWAYS tell their followers: 'OUR way is the solution to ALL your problems.'. Unfortunately, there are always gullible people who fall for it.
Wasanelder Once
Considering Isis hasn't a clue who JW's even are, why should they?
ISIS may not know who JWs are - or even care - but publically proclaim anything that is perceived as an insult to Mohammed, and watch that change at lightening speed.
Look at the whacko fundamentalist sect in the States whose leader stirred up an internet firestorm - and some Americans troops abroad being killed - by proclaiming an intention to burn the Koran. One day insignificant and anonymous, next, the target of a jihad.