JWs claim that even such a small thing as proclaiming 1986 as the International Year for Peace was foretold in the Bible.
This raises the question: Why was such a GREAT thing as Internet (the influence of which could not even be compared with anything in the history at all) not foretold in the Bible? With Internet and TV the world has become literally a global village!
If Jesus were sent into this world at this time, just a few days of his ministry (filled with miracles like resurrecting a four-days old dead man) would have been watched LIVE by everyone on earth through TV and Internet, and who could have afforded to reject him? All those untoward events (such as killing of Jesus, persecution of Christians, interpolations of the Bible, great apostasy resulting into thousands of warring sects, all the wars fought between Christians ….) could have been avoided!!! He has to be sent to earth anyway; why can’t that be at a time when the maximum result could have EASILY been accomplished? Could not the world have been transformed into a paradise within a very short period of time?