Supposing that you might say that you believe in God, how might a God of love, show that he really cares about us all?
If Jehovah God Really Loved Humans & This Earth How Might He Show It?
by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends
By dying for you?
Fireballs aimed at Warwick?
By showing himself... That would solve every single problem that has ever plagued humanity since time began.
By sending witnesses to knock at our doors...
By dying for you? - Laika
What a strange concept. It is akin to a young man who slits his wrists to "prove" how much he loves his girlfriend.
What a strange concept. It is akin to a young man who slits his wrists to "prove" how much he loves his girlfriend.
Strange indeed! A god who has the ability to forgive sin at will, decides that he now needs to follow some sort of standard operating procedure and force his son to die, so that he feels he can now forgive mankind for our sins. How stupid!
How are we created in his image? no reasonable person would ask a son to die, in order to convince himself that he can forgive a third party, but somehow for Jehoober the illogical become logical, and the absurd becomes loving
With age, demetia sets in, and may be the wt god forgot, that "the sons would not be punished (with death) for the father's sins" ( god's and Adam's), and that "human sacrifices did (at one point) not enter his mind". so, I guess with an advancing case of Alzheimers, he needs New Lite like it's creator the Wt.
he might show it by not involving us in his covoluted 'vindication' & 'sanctification' schemes.
By eliminating the elder arrangement?
One way would be by sending another Bible with true words, not as the current Bible which is full of lies and myths.