Healing Through Humor
by Watchtower-Free 18 Replies latest social humour
cha ching
Did you hear about the Watchtower's new soft drink?
"Yeah,.... Culta-Cola"
Aww man, for a minute I thought the above picture were mennonites, then the 2 guys w/ the briefcase were LDS(mormon), then the lady on the right a JW.
I could see a CULT BATTLE, like the news teams in Anchorman. Infact it would be hilarious if somebody ever did a clip like that.
The 7 GB members VS Amish elders VS Mormom leaders VS the jamacian cult wannabe's who frequent this board VS those who claim to be Jesus (like the black cross dresser on this board). LOL
New Meme group forming "Ex Cult Memes and Videos" Anything poking fun at JW/cult. . Have fun.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1447453542181602/ -
Thanks for the laughs! I really needed it tonight.
Apostagirl is super!
"Ex Cult Memes and Videos" Anything poking fun at JW/cult. . Have fun.