Because Nathan Knorr famously told JWs in the 1940s to not marry and not have children because Armageddon was so close. I can't tell you how many older JW women I knew back in the 1970s who hated him, they had 'obeyed' Knorr and put off marriage and or having babies.
He was a colossal prick who had control over the JWs. Nathan and crazy Freddie made oral and anal sex a DFing policy. They told spouses who had a mate who was homosexual they could not divorce because a homosexual act was not the 'adultery' grounds mentioned in the Bible.
Knorr, again famously, ranted for 3 solid hours at a Special One Day convention in Los Angeles against the evils of masturbation and pot.
It all naturally made us wonder just how f#*ked up this guys marriage was.....