Taken as a whole, the organization is horrible. But if you look at individual people, you will always find some misguided souls who truly believe the tripe, but are very loving, caring individuals. Actually many who are like that do realize something is wrong, but would never speak out because they still believe it is Jehovah's organization.
That being said, the Watchtower organization teaches arrogance among their members and as so many of them already have mental/psychological issues and suffer from low self esteem, they snatch right on to this mindset. It validates them as people if they can be arrogant and look down upon others, many of them having been looked down upon at other times in their life. Those are the converts.
Then you have also have the born-ins; they have suffered from mind control all their lives and are brainwashed. If they begin to see the light, they are afraid of losing their families. If they do not see the light, they also can be arrogant, though I think in this group you are more likely to find those I mention in my first paragraph - misguided souls who truly believe the tripe but are loving, caring individuals, though sometimes realizing there are some things that are wrong, particularly when they are old enough to have seen the many changes the Watchtower Society has gone through.
Of course, you can also see some loving, caring, albeit misguided individuals in the convert group also. But I do feel the above patterns are a reality.