OK, at the risk of getting flamed, I have been out for over 20 years, and still love Kingdom Melodies. I remember them for the good times, the conventions and assemblies, hearing the orchestral versions, imagining the orchestra playing. Some pieces were really nice. The new Sing to Jehovah doesn't hold a candle to the versions of the 80s and 90s.
My favorites:
- 13-Christian Dedication
- 202- To God We Are Dedicated
- 212- We Thank You Jehovah
- 14- Be Glad You Nations
- 112 - Then They Will Know
- 123-Move Ahead!
- 193- Preach This Good News Of The Kingdom
- 55-Daily Walking with Jehovah (esp the Orchestral version, very Celtic)
- 208 -Song of Rejoicing