Who would you want writing your prescription for an important life-saving medicine, a Poet or a Medical Scientist?
There is an important distinction between the magisteria.
Keep this rule of thumb in mind: ignorant speakers, writers and philosophers speak in GENERAL terms to hide their ignorance. They resort to the mystification of languge.
INTELLIGENT speakers, writers and philosophers speak in SPECIFICS to reveal their wisdom. They use words with clarity, measurement, specificity and precision.
SIN is a ridiculous stone age concept. There is no such thing.
DEATH is telelogical reality.
SIN is cartoon thinking.
Language is only precise when it sticks with reality and knowledge.
Why does the upward flight of a thrown stone pause and reverse field only to plummet earthward?
If you say GRAVITY you will imagine you've said something intelligent. But, you haven't. You've uttered a useful word which PRETENDS to explain.
Nobody actually KNOWS what "gravity" is. They can measure its effect and accurately predict the force of it over distance. But, nobody can really explain it without resorting to storytelling and metaphor.
Why? Because human knowledge fuzzes out at a certain point and yet, the "explanation" continues by switching from a precise terminology into a poetic terminology.
So, the next time somebody starts to "explain" metaphysics to you--ask yourself why you are trusting a POET to write your perscription.