Stuck: "apostates usually start by not keeping up with their Watchtower pre study you know"
That is too funny!
I'm convinced that a large percentage of JWs just breeze through the WT with a highlighter Sunday morning before meeting just so everyone will think they "studied."
When I was trying to get reinstated to reuinite with my family, I would ONLY highlight the examples of manipulation, lies, logical fallacies, doctrinal flip-flops and false reasoning. In the margins I would write notes about contradictions and questions regarding points that didn't make sense. If anyone ever looked closely, I mean really looked, they would have known I was an "apostate."
But no one looks closely. During one of my JC reinstatement hearings one of the elders commented, "I've seen your Watchtower and how you prepare for the meetings. You are a very good Bible student!"
It's amazing that they think highlighting a few sentences and then regurgitating verbatim quotes from a juvenile level propaganda sheet is studying.
Let's review: It's a cult!