To cut my long story short, having left the religion in 2006, my marriage with 2 young kids involved went through a fairly difficult time. For a few years. As I rebelled against the belief system I was astonished that having pointed out reasonable & logical objections, my wife just stood by the religion. It even got to the point where she agreed that the beliefs had damaged my daughters view of me (she had a meldown at one point about me dying at armageddon), yet she stood by, still willing to take our kids along to be exposed to the damage.
After I banned the kids from going for a while, I mellowed. I was done with fighting. Done with the idea of ever breaking up our family. I became the 'resonable' unbelieving mate. Even went to a few JW partys etc. Had a small degree of contact with my wifes friends, all the while keeping my strong objections to the religion.
A number of years have passed by & we have discussed very little of my wifes religion. We reached a point of mutual respect which went well. I had came to a point where I could reasonably appreciate WHY my wife believes what she does, despite not accepting it myself.
But I find that every so often it rears it's head. The reason I think this happens is that sub consciously, you are never really accepeted for what you are. My wife is always hoping that I'll return. In addition, you are married to a woman who believes that you are worthy of being put to death by god. I find this plays on my mind often. Especially given the fact that I am a very hard working dad in my job and at home. At one time I did practically everything in the house due to my wifes depression. This despite the fact that any energy she could muster at the time got spent on the religion. Not the house, not the marriage etc, etc. I have been loyal & faithful to my wife also since the time I've left the religion.
I also feel that my wifes depression is in part caused by being part of such a negative religion with a twisted & completely unreaslitic world view. Of course, she denys this.
Discussing matters like this is incredibly difficult. She just can't see my problems with things such as the insane & illogical bible accounts, disfellowshipping, blood policy, etc, etc. I begged her the other day to think for herself. But the blinkers come down. Absolute 100% loyalty to the religion.
We have three kids. I have never wanted to break up our family but I'm spending my life with this situation & to me it's BIG. It's something that's always there. Always in the background. Two marriage mates going in opposite directions in life. And life & time is passing.
Has anyone else been in this sitiuation? Thoughts?