quelly-I agree, he needs help to overcome that problem...having a good lay might've helped prevent it, lol! He isn't a bad person, just a weak one.
BU2B-My dad is a nice person in general, there have been times that I would've liked to wring his neck, but that is a child's occasional perogative. I remember one time when I was a kid there was a DF'd young man he spotted on the side of the road, his car had a flat tire. It was winter in northern Minnesota. He told us kids we had to stop and help him. Upon learning there was no spare tire, we drove the young man home. My dad had been an elder in the mid 1970's. He resigned (stepped down) when there was a young sister who was getting the shaft by the elders, he said they rubber stamped her DFing to please her uncle who really hated her. He made sure to take her uncle down before he stepped down. He never accepted being an elder ever again.