A friend of mine was telling me yesterday that she goes to school with a girl who is a Witness and she has confided to her that she feels the need to marry this guy because simply dating isn't right. When I explained that they are under pressure because they must not commit fornication, she laughed and said, "oh they do that all right"...It makes me aware of how so many JWs are nominally in the religion but do what they want in the end while trying to keep the elders off their back
18 Year Old JW Getting Married To Young JW To Do The Right Thing
by minimus 12 Replies latest jw friends
I'd estimate that at least 50%, probably more like 75%, of baptized JWs between 14-19 have done or are doing things that would get themselves DF'ed tomorrow, if known.
They almost universally get away with it until some dingaling has a "pang of conscience" and confesses, and then starts naming names.
There's a lot of two faced JWs out there.
(Ezekiel 8:12) 12 And he proceeded to say to me: “Have you seen, O son of man, what the elderly ones of the house of Israel are doing in the darkness, each one in the inner rooms of his showpiece? For they are saying, ‘Jehovah is not seeing us. Jehovah has left the land.’”
blondie; "--elderly ones--"?
The religious leaders....monkey see monkey do....young people see and imitate the hypocrisy of older people in the congregation....I grew up in the WTS and saw that hypocrisy.
the inner rooms were the back seats perhaps?
sexual pressure is very strong, there should be legitimate relief.
I was re-married at ~ 60, then it is easy.
Julia Orwell
They're just trying to survive in the topsy turvy world that's been forced upon them. You know, doing normal kid things but having to sneak around. Actually, the cult pressure they are under forces them to act out more than normal kids. I don't blame them.
I bet these JWs kids that fool around use precautions.
Minimus - I hope they aren't so naieve they don't!! But - it's the thing - the more taboo something is cracked up to be, the more desirable it becomes to the immature mind.