kleenmaint July 5, 2014
Dear Bart:
I couldn’t find a topic on Josephus so I hope you see my question. In your book “Did Jesus Exist” on page 59 you quote (Antiquities 18.3.3).
Both this quotation and the more conservative version that seemed more plausible as his original writing have one very fundamental flaw that you didn’t mention. I of course am asking for your opinion. I’m no expert, but my understanding is that the word “cross” would be a dead give away that this is an interpolation.
The Romans used upright torture stakes not crosses. If this is true then these couldn’t be Josephus words.
Hope you see this. I would like to know. Please forgive me if you address this later on as I have just started reading your book. I am so thankful for your books and the integrity and courage you have demonstrated by exposing these apparent myths to the “light of day”.
Bart Ehrman July 6, 2014
No, the term cross (Greek: σταυρος: STAUROS) is the term used in all our sources for the crucifix used by Romans; I don’t know of any references to it being simply an upright stake