The TRUE story of a Pedophile

by Tech49 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AlwaysBusy

    I KNOW it's two sons were molested by an elder, who also drugged and raped their best friend. I also know of a young brother that was molested by him 20 years before this happened. I can't guess how many others were hurt by this predator. My kids, they were all baptised, left the Witnesses after that, I was df'd and the Elder stepped down but was not df'd. He was so slick, people were hugging him, and kissing him, crowding around him, crying, at the meeting when he was removed as an elder, it made me sick. I heard that he's an elder again. I don't know what else to say, except that what this did to us, no one will ever know..... this wound will never heal.

  • jamiebowers

    This JWN member has written extensively about a sexual predator that is in her congregation:

    Her attempts to warn others were shot down by elders, and I think her husband was deleted as an elder, because she brought the offender's criminal record to their attention.

    Sick, sick cult!

  • Oubliette

    repercussions if you continued to "slander" the sister.

    Truth is an absolute defense to accusations of slander.

    Jehovah sees everything and will make us aware of any problems with the situation

    How do the elders know that the sister finding the facts and bringing it to their attention wasn't Jehovah's way of making them aware?


    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • zeb

    what country.

  • clarity

    AlwaysBusy so sorry this happened to your

    family! Their incompetance is disgusting!


  • AlwaysBusy

    Clarity ~ Thank you!

  • Balaamsass2

    Not unusual. The person reporting the facs is the one hounded. Seen it in my area as well.

  • mauiboy

    When I served as an elder, a young girl....maybe 11 or 12....happened upon some porn, and thought performing oral sex on boys looked like alot of fun. So she 'serviced' serveral young boys....her age and a bit older. Some multiple times. When her mom became aware, she came to the's the catch: the girls dad was not a a W. So as elders dealing with a minor we decided the only thing to do was contact the legal dept in NY Bethel. Their advice to us was to counsel the girl and her mom, counsel all the boys involved, but by no means inform the girls father. If I remember their wording correctly...'that he might not go to the police and have it made a matter of public record, lest the media pick upon it, and we bring shame on the organization'. It pains me to this day that I was stupid and soooo indoctrinated that it never occurred to me to question that advice.

    Yup, it happens. What a shame. It makes me think of James 4:17 that mentions if someone knows how to do what is right and doesn't do it, it is a sin for him.....bothers me to this day. BTW, any thoughts on how that scripture lies with Jehovah and the 1,000's of years and innumerable wrongs he's allowed to go on in that time?? If one single incident has bothered me for decades, what bothers him?

  • Shanagirl

    There was a family in our circuit who had a daughter who had been molested repeatedly over years by her MS public talk giving grandfather, who incidentally had molested many other victims in some of the congregations in that circuit as well as pre pubecent girls within his own family such as other grand daughters, their cousins and even his neighbor's children... This pedophile had a long history of victims over a generation The granddaughter finally had the courage to tell her parents what he had been doing to her while 'babysitting", They immediately went to the elders and police. Elders had to disfellowship the pedophile because there were more than 2 witnesses as other victims came forward from within the congregations and his own family. The elders told the granddaughter not to talk about it and to forgive the grandfather when he got reinstated, but not to warn anyone about him because if she did it would be slandering and spreading rumors around the congregation. When she began talking about it she was questioned by elders again and several of the elders were her uncles and her father's cousins and all family members who had known the pedophile all these years had also molested their own daughters but were keeping it secret. The whole story was so disgusting because the family finally left the "truth" never to go back because of the way they were treated.


  • Enzo

    Good mornig to you all,

    the problem is that Religious movement arent obbligated by the law to do a criminal record check of the members involved in the movement, and those having responsabilities , or being leaders.. I hope that this will change in the future , so that there Can be not any excuse more for Religious movements or other organisations to take action and protect the children. When I became a member of the Integration Service, they did a criminal record check..Why can' t this not enforced by law for Religio, cults, and other organisations?

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