Spanking WT in Benton KY

by silentlambs 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • PopeOfEruke

    Could it be possible the local Elders acted on their own accord? Is it possible they made the decision to "no-show" by themselves and somehow bucked Brooklyns direction?

    The Pope (just wondering)

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    It doesn't matter Why they didn't Show. The fact is they didn't show up!

  • XLovesMeNotX

    A wire? These guys are so paranoid, Bill would have to show up in his BVDs with only a smile on for them to let him in. They will probably just DF him in absentia and have a meeting someplace without him, and to hell with "due course" This is Spiritual Warfare, Society Style. They dont have to play by their own rules, only the ACCUSED and ACCURSED do.

    The congregation is probably frothing at the mouth about now, beating the tables with their mugs, screaming for a lynching. Wanting BLOOD. I wonder tho, if some of them are hoping for the blood of the elders?

    Go BILL and BARB!!!

    Love ya!!

    When a JW asks me if I have nothing better to do than spend my days bashing religion, I reply "Actually, no, I don't. I'm a PIONEER, just like you." :)

  • Mulan

    Great job everyone. I was so jealous all day yesterday, thinking about all the folks there. At least our friends called me several times, to keep me informed as each event came down. Exciting times.

    Mom had to leave the dinner table after one phone call from "B". She said it made her so sad. She wasn't mad at us, but I think she is seeing something she hadn't seen before, now, and it truly is making her sad.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Speaking of Barb, I haven't seen any discussion of her latest go-round with the WTS. Did I miss something? Wasn't Barb supposed to have a second JC last week? What happened?

  • non_trias_theos

    $$$So to whom it may concern, whether you like it or not I am still standing and remain a Jehovah's Witness in "good standing." Dateline will not feature disfellowshipped persons as all decisions to date are on appeal. oops... looks like you got spanked again and just wait till you see the newspapers this weekend. Bad PR boys when you "beat your brothers"...$$$

    It is just so nice having a brother like Bowen who loves to dwell together in unity. My what a loyal and loving brother he is. He gets joy out of spanking the wt. This man is a true brother. Preach on, brother Bowen. No way he should be df for causing divisions.

  • Imbue

    silentlambs says:

    So to whom it may concern, whether you like it or not I am still standing and remain a Jehovah's Witness in "good standing." Dateline will not feature disfellowshipped persons as all decisions to date are on appeal. oops... looks like you got spanked again and just wait till you see the newspapers this weekend. Bad PR boys when you "beat your brothers"...

    LMAO @ Siletlambs...hehehe....I love it!!!!!!!

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • jwsons
    They told about the elders not showing up and when called George Bandarra said the meeting was confidential and private and due to all the attention they were not comfortalbe with having a meeting.

    People who's usually living in the darkness (WACOtower and DARK Society) hates the light, especially candlelights. They do everything in the darkness. What a shame for honest elders in your congr., how long will they stand like that without hurt from their conscience ?

  • somebody
    It seems to me that this time, the shoe is on the other foot. The men of the judicial committee could not endure being put under the spotlight and scrutiny that committees of JW's normally love to shine upon the "accused" one.

    That is so true, Gopher.

    Them not showing also puts their claim that the reason why they hold such committees is to "protect or keep clean, the congregation" right into the toilet where it belongs. What they look like to worldly people is obviously what comes first to them. If the protection and cleanliness of the congregaion is what really mattered to them, then they would not have been following the WBTS' policy that endangers children in the first place.

    They are probably afraid that the truth will slip out of one of their mouths if the media did ask them questions too. If that happened, they would have to suffer the vengence of the boys at what they call "headquarters"/"the society".

    Keep up the great courageous work, Bill!


    "Air baths are good for preventing colds.. What you do is strip naked mornings and evenings and then bob up and down for a while."~ Golden Age Feb 10 1926 31

    Group air bath,anyone?


    Bill & All You Silentlambs,

    I''m so proud of you! Ben & I couldn't be there due to 'no money', but we sure were there in heart. This is the first, I guess, to be shunned by your own JC. What's the world coming to. Maybe Holy Spirit ran out and couldn't be present. My JC continually kept asking me if I thought that Jah's Holy Spirit was present, maybe that's why they did the 'NO SHOW' thingy.

    You go, Silentlambs. HIP, HIP, HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!

    Remember, the oldie goldie song........SILENCE IS GOLDEN. I LOVE IT.
    You had champaigne, lighted candles and a whole bunch of apostates, sounds like a real good time.

    I'm so proud.

    SUSCARRA and her Family

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