They made a total train wreck out of Iraq and Libya. Afghanistan is a mess
Now there is something us Americans will agree with most likely. Most of us think we should have kept our kids at home and let the towel-heads fight it out amongst themselves like they have for 1000s of years. How foolish of us to think that they rest of the world would want to improve their standard of living.
Of course, there is all that OIL. And somebody has to burn it, so it might as well be us. And since the price of gasoline is dropping (actually saw $3.05 /US gal this week) we'll probably keep buying those bigass cars and trucks.
The world will be better, not worse without the US as global policeman.
I suspect most Americans would like that idea as well. Unfortunately our politicians have been bought and sold by the Halburtons, Lockheeds, etc of the world and they can't sell more weapons until the stockpile is used up. If we continue to use them in our cities, like Ferguson, maybe we won't have to go shooting up other places around the globe.
Most of us middle-class Americans are content to live peacefully and quietly in our comfortable 2-story homes with 3-car garages (which are not big enough for all the cars we and the kids have), spend weekends driving the convertible to the country house or the golf course, or pulling the boat with the gas-guzzling SUV to the lake, grilling rare steaks on the gas grill and simply let the rest of the world piss-off and solve their own problems. Kindly try not to f**k up the places we like to travel to for vacations -- Cancun and Cabo (you can loot & kill along the border, just don't mess with the tourist destinations); Jamaica; Costa Rica; Aruba or else we'll have to spend our time & money touring the US sites -- which are REALLY dangerous!