I have heard so many JWs complain about ISIS and how cruel and sadistic and pitiless they are. All my mind can think about is how their techniques are so similiar to the ancient Israelites under Joshua that the JWs feel are heroes and champions of true worship.. Role models for kids.
ISIS believes that non-believers who do not subscribe to their world view should be killed in brutal ways. They have come into Iraq and Syria from other places (just like the Israelites came into Caanan from abroad) and are slaughtering and decapitating young men women and children.
If anything the israelites were worse since they did this on a larger scale and in city after city, killing animals and everyone else. Why do JWs and other supporters of OT morality have a problem with ISIS pulling over a bus with 60 people on board from age 6 months to 90 years old and killing them all on the shoulder of the highway? I know they will say that the difference is that JE-Hoover commanded the Israelites but not ISIS, but still, why is one outrageous, brutal and sickening but the other are heroes and role models? How is Joshua any different from the head of ISIS? If they truly believe they are doing the will of God, how are they any different than Joshuas armies as they slaughtered babies, pregnant women, the elderly and helpless animals meanwhile stealing the women to be sex slaves.
My mind cannot see any difference between the two. I am baffled as to how JWs can read the OT and still refer to Jehovah as a "loving god" I know the arguments say how horrible the Cannanites were and they deserved to die, but the same mentality would say if a country was "bad" just nuke it! Its like saying we should nerve gas North Korea and everyone in it because its "bad".
Even when I was a full believer, the OT accounts of genocide truly botherd me and because of them I never was able to "love" Jehovah. I think people who condenm ISIS and other groups of their ilk, yet praise the accounts in the OT are dishonest with themselves at best, moral monsters at worst.