Muslim loses contract because of his religion

by usualusername 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    We have said JW religion is rubbish. No one objects to that..

    Why, we are not talking about the individual JW but the religion

    as a whole. Hate speech is completely different, like death to all infidels.

    It's a little different when someone say, go back to your own if you

    don't like it here..

  • MadGiant

    "I agree, I'm a strong feminist, but Islam doesn't treat women as second class citizens. the women I work with and employ are not." - Mikado

    “Our women are precious to us.” That is the typical Muslim response when asked about the treatment of women in Islam. Female genital mutilation is apparently another way to demonstrate how women are treated like queens by their Muslim families.

    Getting flogged or even beheaded for getting raped also proves how special women are. Honor killings are another wonderful example of the treatment of women in Islam.

    The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan says 943 women and girls were murdered in 2011 after being accused of tarnishing their families’ honor.” Forced marriage, refusal to marry these men can result in an honor attack. Women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive.

    In Islam, a man is allowed to beat his wife if she refuses to make herself beautiful for him; refuses to meet his sexual demands; leaves the house without permission or without any legitimate reason recognized by law; or neglects her religious duties.

    I really think that an apology is in order.


  • Mikado

    female genital mutilation is a cultural thing. I agree it is to be abhored, but it is NOT an intrinsically Islamic practice. My Muslim friends have NOT been subjected to this, and are horrified by it.

    Dont cite Pakistan or Saudi Arabia as examples of Islam in general, other Muslims do not support them..

    Indonesia is one if the largest Muslim countries and with the exception of Aceh, which has always been regarded as an outpost of Saudia Arabia, these things do not happen.

    AM i to believe that that the women I speak to almost daily are totally dominated and controlled. in that case I had better inform them. NONE of them wear the headscarf. several are independant business women.

  • MadGiant
  • MadGiant

    "female genital mutilation is a cultural thing. I agree it is to be abhored, but it is NOT an intrinsically Islamic practice. My Muslim friends have NOT been subjected to this, and are horrified by it." - Mikado

    Female Genital Mutilation occurs in non-Muslim societies in Africa and is practiced by Christians, Muslims and Animists alike. In Egypt, where perhaps 97 percent of girls suffer genital mutilation, both Christian Copts and Muslims are complicit. Thus, it has long been concluded to be a cultural practice, not connected to religion.

    However, on the village level, those who commit the practice offer a mix of cultural and religious reasons for the practice. Christians and Muslims alike believe that circumcision of girls prevents them from vice. Muslim proponents of FGM also stress the religious necessity. Midwifes and mothers insist that it is “sunnah” – an opinion shared by most Islamic clerics. Yet, sunnah can either mean that a practice is religiously recommended or simply that it was done that way in the times of the prophet Mohammed.


  • Mikado

    so we agreem that FGM is not intrinsc to Islam?

    how does any if this reflect on someone bragging that he will not give work to anyone due to their religion?

    as I said substitute another discriptive word in that comment and it doesn't sound half so good does it?

    i don't want to be defending any religion, I personally believe that all the problems in the world is caused by my god is better than your god.

    i just cannot sit silently by and say nothing.

  • MadGiant

    "Indonesia is one if the largest Muslim countries and with the exception of Aceh, which has always been regarded as an outpost of Saudia Arabia, these things do not happen." - Mikado

    Though the Indonesian government banned female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) seven years ago, experts say religious support for the practice is more fervent than ever, particularly in rural communities. A lack of regulation since the ban makes it difficult to monitor, but medical practitioners say FGM/C remains commonplace for women of all ages in this emerging democracy of 240 million - the world’s largest Muslim nation.

    As of 2013, according to UNICEF, FGM is concentrated in: Somalia (98 percent of women affected), Guinea (96 percent), Djibouti (93 percent), Egypt (91 percent), Eritrea (89 percent), Mali (89 percent), Sierra Leone (88 percent), Sudan (88 percent), Gambia (76 percent), Burkina Faso (76 percent), Ethiopia (74 percent), Mauritania (69 percent), Liberia (66 percent), Guinea-Bissau (50 percent) Chad (44 percent), Côte d'Ivoire (38 percent), Kenya (27 percent)

    Nigeria (27 percent), Senegal (26 percent), Central African Republic (24 percent), Yemen (23 percent), United Republic of Tanzania (15 percent), Benin (13 percent), Iraq (8 percent), Ghana (4 percent), Togo (4 percent), Niger (2 percent), Cameroon (1 percent), and Uganda (1 percent).


  • talesin

    Umm, where Sharia Law is in effect, you can bet your life (LITERALLY) that women are 2nd class. I have rented from 2 Muslim people, and done business with a third, and well... appearances can be deceiving. You must employ extraordinary people who are not very devout.

    Check out Ishrad Manji. She is a Muslim. Here's a couple of quotes from Wiki:

    Manji's previous book, The Trouble with Islam Today (initially published as Trouble with Islam), has been published in more than 30 languages, including Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Malay and Indonesian. [ 7 ] She was troubled by how Islam is practised today and by the Arab influence on Islam that took away women's individuality and introduced the concept of group honour. [ 8 ] Manji has produced a PBS documentary in the America at a Crossroads series titled "Faith Without Fear", chronicling her attempt to "reconcile her faith in Allah with her love of freedom". [


    Manji has received numerous death threats. [ 19 ] [ 20 ] In a CNN interview, Manji stated that the windows of her apartment are fitted with bullet-proof glass, primarily for the protection of her family. [ 21 ] At her December 2011 book launch in Amsterdam "Muslim extremists stormed in" and ordered her execution. [ 22 ]

    Things are not always as they appear, until we look at the bigger picture.


  • MadGiant

    "so we agreem that FGM is not intrinsc to Islam?" - Mikado

    I am just giving the facts. Your early comments could mislead people. It is irrelevant if FGM is not exclusive of Muslins. Every single religion should be banned.

    "how does any if this reflect on someone bragging that he will not give work to anyone due to their religion?" - Mikado

    It doesn't matter. As I stated before, even if the title an OP mentioned religion, it's NOT about religion. It's about a person how is trying to conduct business with his own set of rules.


  • jookbeard

    agree with everyone here, no place in the 21st century for stupid arse held beliefs, on his bike !

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