What is the society's current view on medical marijuana? Obviously smoking is a no-no, but what about edibles, or oils (think they're called tinctures)??
Medicinal / Rec. Marijuana
by tresdecu 15 Replies latest jw friends
Also...recently Colorado and Washington legalized recriational pot....wonder how many JWs in those states are trying it out.
Bump for my UK bros....who are just getting up & having some coffee.
I know a Bro "in good standing" but not a MS or Elder in Florida who uses the legal med. Not smoked. Pills or something other than traditional weed.
Smoking is not the issuie just something that has grown up among jws who were too young to be exposed to the first articles saying that using tobacco, coca leaves, and betel nuts were spiritism.
Both coca leaves and betel nuts are taken in through the mouth and not smoked as is snuff and chewing tobacco.
*** w73 6/1 p. 337 pars. 6-8 Keeping God’s Congregation Clean in the Time of His Judgment ***
The ‘legality’ of using a product, such as methadone, in some government drug program is not the decisive factor. In some countries addicts may ‘legally’ obtain heroin through government dispensaries. This does not make it Scripturally proper.
7 Generally such programs are just a case of substituting one drug for another, one viewed as less harmful than a drug like heroin. Yet now we read in the newspapers of methadone as being sold on the streets to drug addicts like other ‘illegal’ drugs. Rather than go through the pangs of “withdrawal” and then take up a life free from drug addiction, persons continuing on these programs are seeking to evade or postpone facing up to their problem and conquering it. This raises the questions: Just how meaningful would their baptism be? What would it signify?
8 Christ Jesus said that anyone wishing to be his disciple should ‘pick up his torture stake’ and follow him, being willing to lose even his life for Christ’s sake. (Luke 9:23, 24; John 12:25) Anyone who is baptized should have made such heart decision. If the person is willing to bear a “torture stake” and would be willing to follow Jesus to the point of impalement, can he then say he is not willing to endure the pain of “withdrawal” from drug addiction? (Compare Romans 6:6; Galatians 5:24; Colossians 3:5.) In reality, the suffering that “withdrawal” brings is but a natural consequence of a wrong practice, a ‘reaping of what has been sown.’—Gal. 6:7.
You'd have to be smoking something to believe any of the horsesh*t that is coming out of Bethel nowadays. In fact, with all of the changes, flops, and wild-eyed Governing Body videos we've been seeing lately, I'm starting to wonder if THEY aren't smoking something in the super-secret GB Board Room.
- Wing Commander
This reminds of my meeting with the elders when I was young on the use of Poppers (Amyl Nitrate). My position was as there is no mention of sniffing poppers in the bible it must be a matter of conscience whether you do it or not. The elders disagreed but had the devil of a time proving their case, in fact I don't remember them being even remotely convincing. After all it's a) legal b) not addictive c) doesn't have lasting effects.
I would like to see how the elders would deal with a JW cancer patient who can only keep food down, or avoid other harmful side affects while on chemo by smoking MJ.
I would also like to see how they handle someone taking it for chronic pain. Sure MJ is a drug, but has far less side effects and is less addictive than other drugs like oxycotin among others. I would love to see their argument against it where it is legal.
I personally know a young co worker of mine who had brain cancer at age 23. He told me the only way he could eat and keep food down while on chemo is by smoking MJ. It is so sad to see state govts be so slow to allow these suffering people relief.
All the young people support it pretty much. More and more are becoming OK with it since all the myths about it are becoming less popular. It's sort of like how the masses bought all the alcohol myths before the proabition.
Cannabis is not addictive, so I don't get the comparison to betel nut, tobacco or methadone. That's the WT though, dumb as a post.