Viva la Internett!! All the grubby little secrets they are afraid of are coming forth in waves.
Is the Watchtower a secret society?
by marriedtoajw 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
jgnat in a secret society bent on dominating the world? No. The WTS is completely absorbed in its own interests and is satisifed to remain passive on world affairs.
What are its own interests? Continued existence. That's it. Hopefully a steady, profitable existence.
The WTS is secretive, as in regular members out in field service will not admit to the unsavoury bits of their doctrine. Elders have their secret manual that is readily available on the internet. Judicial meetings are secret. Bethelites keep the inner workings in head office quiet in order not to disturb congregationists.
A ripe environment for gossip.
Jgnat - just on a totally unrelated topic. When I look at your pic I wonder if you are Asian. Can you PM me plz.
Jgnat - just on a totally unrelated topic. When I look at your pic I wonder if you are Asian. Can you PM me plz.
I have never seen so many questions in one paragraph before!