THE ULTIMATE statement which addresses the cult of death: Armageddon obsession

by Terry 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    This, in my opinion, is one of Christopher Hitchens' most concise statements about obsession with Armageddon.

    I'd love to have a transcript of this and just sit and memorize it:)

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    if you don't believe in God why don't you just shut up - that audience member sounds like all the Jw I ever heard complaining about wt detractors. Everybody who disagrees with them should shut up. Even though they whine about the wt brave court fights for freedom of speech, and how those cases brought more freedom to everyone! I get to talk, you get to shut up and die.

    thanks for posting that, as I spent all day yesterday with that topic on my mind. 9-11 is all about religion's desire for death.


  • Phizzy

    What a loss he is, able to express himself so well, and so fluently, at times passionately, often with wry humour, but always lucidly, he was a wonderful spokesman for Reason and Humanitarian ideals.

    His condemnation of belief based ignorance and its resultant Evil has never been countered successfully, because there simply is no excuse for it in the 21st Century.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Thank you Terry for this video. Mr. Hitchen made a great point about how so many are resting their hope on everyone else dying and are happy to see that happen. My father and many others like him had this same mind set. They all would find joy in seeing everyone die at Armagedon except Jw's. Even when I was in the cult I never thought like that instead I felt god would pretty much save everyone except for those who was really evil. Now I see the nonsense of it all. Great statement on the cults of death. Still Totally ADD

  • Terry

    I think, the closer you get to a subject of belief, the more "normal" it becomes. Your "eye" gets tired.

    I'd make the following analogy.

    You know how some people simply REEK of perfume/cologne smell?

    It can be because the nose becomes numb. The wearer assumes it has "worn off" and ADDS MORE to compensate.

    Well--the same thing is in operation with a cult belief like ARMAGEDDON.

    You grow so accustomed to constant bombardment of the END of EVIL is sounds better and better and more deserved and more natural.

    Finally--it's like the Circus coming to town for your entertainment.


    I try each and every day to look at some thing, with which I am overly familiar, in a NEW WAY--a skeptical or questioning way.

    Sometimes you achieve a quickening of insight.

    Watching Hitchens has always had that effect on me.

    The idea of religion comes down to 24 hour surveillance which you cannot escape, eternal vigilation and a kind of celestial North Korea.


  • Letts Party
    Letts Party

    "The idea of religion comes down to 24 hour surveillance which you cannot escape, eternal vigilation and a kind of celestial North Korea."

    Yes, except that in North Korea, as Hitchens points out in another video, you actually get to leave

    (through death of course)...

    on the other hand, with religion, Death is "when the REAL fun starts"

  • Letts Party
    Letts Party

    (through death of course)...

    on the other hand, with religion, Death is "when the REAL fun starts"

  • suavojr

    At least with the JW doctrine you also get to leave through death forever, you just will get tortured before dying

  • berrygerry

    Thanks for the post.

    Cult of death - too true.

  • Terry

    I have to wonder if any other religious group in history has done more to cheapen the phrase :"The time is short . . ." than JW's!

    Nobody in the Kingdom Hall seems to see the embarrassing irony of the TIME SHORTAGE and a full century of Jesus' invisible return with

    nothing to show for it but continue claims of the same old same old.

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