In a 2013 article currently on JW.ORG (reference 1), the JWs bragged about how their website is translated into 300 languages and that it reaches, according to Alexa statistics, 890,000 unique users every day.
What about the monthly stats? The site (reference 2), which draws its statistics from Alexa, reports that there are an estimated 3.2 million unique visitors every month for*
Since the 2013 memorial had an attendance of 19.2 million (reference 3), this could be understood as 1/6 of the JWs and their friends visited the site on a monthly basis.
This is not unexpected as the internet itself is used only by 39% of the planet at this time (reference 4).
Hence, the number of languages in which the website is translated does not offer any guaranty as to its information being accessed or even be accessible at all to most of the planet’s population.
* If John visits the site on Friday and Saturday, he will be a unique visitor on the daily stats for Friday and for Saturday. He will also be a unique visitor for the monthly stats. He will not be counted as 2 users even if he visited the site every day of that month.