In this article Gerrit talks about his father in the first and last paragraphs, what he says about him and his hope for him goes against all that Witnesses have preached about the worldly for the last 100 years... As I recall aren't all the worldly supposed to be destroyed and never have a hope of everlasting life like JW's are, and isn't that the purpose of the preaching work to baptize and warn the worldly of this??? If not why do JWs even preach, or even become JWs in the first place if all have a hope of everlasting life, JW and NON-JW, are they releasing a little hint at new light to come??? Or am I just missing or over analyzing something?
1st paragraph:
As told by Gerrit L ö sch
My father was born in Graz, Austria, in 1899, so he was a youth during World War I. He was conscripted into the German army soon after World War II broke out in 1939. He was killed in 1943 while fighting in Russia. Sadly, that is how I lost my father when I was only about two years old. I never had an opportunity to get to know him, and I very much missed having a father, especially when I realized that most other boys in school had one. Later, as a teenager, I gained comfort from learning about our heavenly Father, a super ior Father who cannot die. — Hab.1:12.
Last paragraph:
Reflecting on the Past and Looking to the Future
The times when I served as a waiter in a hotel are long gone. Now I enjoy the privilege of participating in preparing and dispen sing spiritual food to our worldwide brother- hood. (Matt.24:45-47) Looking back over more than 50 years in special full-time service, I can only express my deep appreciation and joy for Jeho- vah ’ s blessing upon our worldwide brotherhood. I love to attend our international conventions, where emphasis is put on learning about our heavenly Father, Jehovah, and Bible truth.
I pray that millions more of mankind will study the Bible, accept the truth, and serve Jehovah unitedly with our worldwide Chris tian brotherhood. (1 Pet. 2:17; ftn.) I also look forward to observing from heaven the earthly resurrection and, at last, finding my physical father. I hope that he, my mother, and other dear relatives will all want to worship Jehovah in Paradise.
I guess Gerritt is going to use the nepotism card with God, to get his war mongering unbaptized father into paradise...