Skinny dipping in the new order?

by donny 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • donny

    The JW's are quick to tell you that when Jehovah has finished kicking the ass of those who do not acknowledge the teachings of the Watchtowers governing body in New York state, that those who survive will live forever in a restored paradise on earth. The same goes for those who are resurrected during the 1000 year reign of Jesus and survive Satan being let loose "for a little while" at the end.

    They are also quick to tell you that everything will be just as it was for Adam and Eve before the latter decided she needed a fruit fix and then got her hubby high on it as well.

    And when you view the illustrations in their publications showing what they view this paradise to be, it shows a world of lush color. The deep greens of all the trees and grass, the clean blue skies, puffy white clouds and tables covered in a plethora of fresh fruits and vegetables representing just about every major color. Then add the scenes of little children playing with lions, bears and other beasts that today are considered dangerous, and you have paradise.

    But there is one thing they do not show that we "know" was a factor in pre-fallen Eden. Nudity. According to "Gods" word, the couple were naked in their perfection and did not consider clothing until they became aware of their nakedness after munching out on the forbidden fruit.

    So logically (one of the Watchtowers favorite words), this would mean that once the survivors of Armageddon and their fellow resurrected ones achieved perfection after the millennial reign of Jesus, then the clothes should go. After all, wearing apparel is only needed because of sin.

    However when you look at the Watchtowers publications of these scenes of the future paradise, not only are the people clothed, but they are clothed very conservatively. Some show men in suits and women wearing high heels.

    Really? People in the new world will continue to dress up for meetings as they do today? Will those future paradise inhabitants be aware of the story of Adam and Eve? And if one asks "Why are we not naked as they were before the fall?," what will the "logical" answer be?

    What is the Watchtowers explanation of the need of clothing in the perfect paradise earth? Maybe Ross and the Burling Coat Factory will survive and be viable in Gods new "system of things."

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  • piztjw

    What is the Watchtowers explanation of the need of clothing in the perfect paradise earth?

    The only thing I can think of is that if they were to portray New World drones without clothes in the publications would have the R&F wanking non-stop...even IF they were just the oh so typical cartoon drawings.

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  • berrygerry

    It will be clothing optional.

    (Although mandatory for big-mac)

  • Divergent

    This question was raised by a friend of mine before. The reply was: "It is not for us to speculate"

  • Finkelstein

    Will it be a Paradise when the rains come and the hot burring sun appears

    I envision some burned buns.

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  • DesirousOfChange

    if they were to portray New World drones without clothes in the publications would have the R&F wanking non-stop.

    Not from what I saw at the District Regional Convention.

    OK. Maybe 2% hot young stuff, but you don't want to see most of them naked.


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  • Oubliette

    JK: This question was raised by a friend of mine before. The reply was: "It is not for us to speculate"

    No, that's the GB's job. They speculate and call it "New Light"

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  • Divergent

    Has there ever been an article speculating about this subject? Would love to read it if there is one

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  • DesirousOfChange

    Has there ever been an article speculating about this subject? Would love to read it

    Especially if it has fold out pictures.


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  • jws

    Maybe it's because C.T. Russell was a haberdasher (a tailor, clothes-maker).

    But seriously, you're right. Paradise would also mean nudity. Whenver I go to a nude 5K or something, I get a kick out of the fact that everybody's nude with no shame as Adam and Eve were supposed to have felt.

    But, it's also been speculated in the past that people might be sexless in the "new world". So it might be more like naked manequins.

    Next time the JWs show up with pictures of paradise, I'll have to ask them that. Although they call on me very infrequently. I'm beggining to suspect there's a warning about me on the territory card.

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